
Support Kelley Williams-Bolar by signing Petition to Ohio's Governor -- Al Sharpton adds voice to Williams-Bolar story in Akron, Ohio

Rev. Al Sharpton speaks at the National Action Network's "Rally for Justice for Kelley Williams-Bolar" at the Mountain of the Lord Fellowship church on Feb. 17 in Akron, Ohio.
Support Kelley Williams-Bolar

Please sign this petition (in the link below) to let Gov. Kasich know that you do not feel that Kelley Williams-Bolar's punishment appropriately fits her crime, and that you both support and demand a full pardon.

story below by AP
written by Paul Tople

Akron, Ohio -- A woman convicted of a felony for using her father's address to enroll her children in a neighboring school district should be "saluted, not arrested," civil rights activist the Rev. Al Sharpton said at a rally for her on Thursday.

Sharpton spoke to a cheering crowd of about 300 people who gathered to support Kelley Williams-Bolar at a church in Akron, a struggling industrial city about an hour's drive south of Cleveland. The rally was organized by Sharpton's New York City-based nonprofit National Action Network.

"I think this woman should be saluted, not arrested," Sharpton said to rousing cheers at the church, which was packed with people. "This is an issue that everybody ought to get mad...


story below by WKYC Cleveland

AKRON -- A new voice is lending support for the case of Kelly Williams-Bolar, the Akron mom that spent nine days in jail for falsifying records enrolling her daughters in Fairlawn-Copley School District.

Outspoken civil rights leader Al Sharpton was at the "Rally for Justice" to talk about equality in our education system.

More than 600 people packed the Mountain of the Lord Church on Copley Road.

Kelly Williams-Bolar's case is touching a nerve with parents everywhere.

Some call it a race issue. Others say this is a cry for open enrollment.

"We cannot have one nation that goes by zip codes. Either you have one nation or you don't have one nation," Reverend Sharpton said.

"Maybe the rules need to be changed. Maybe open enrollment needs to be revamped," Reverend Phyllis DeHart said.

Sharpton is urging the governor to pardon Bolar so that she might continue pursuing a teaching career.



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