
News Reporters scared to confront 'The Clintons'

Hilary, groups that support Hilary, and Hilary's husband Bill, are witch-hunting News Reporters and Political Analyst. Clintonites are polarizing the media to not contend Hilary on any issue, especially those viewed un-favorable and controversial by the Clintons. Evidence of the Clintonites taken formidable action against decenting journalist are the suspension of an MSNBC News Reporter; NBC's Chris Matthews forced to apologize; Ms. Randi Rhodes was fired for expressing her feelings about Hilary off air; Hilary's polarizing complaints to NBC's Tim Russert and Brian Williams about always being asked questions first instead of Senator Obama "all the time"; and Bill Clinton continues to wag his finger at News Reporters for asking simple clarifying questions. Hey Clintons, you are not legacy nor can you steal this election by intimidation. News Reporters and Political Analysts need to get a new set of balls and challenge all the candidates again, including Hilary, Hilary supporters, and Bill. If not, then these weak-ass reporters and political analyst should be immediately replaced for failure to do their jobs. Remember reporters silence during the Bush-usurping power days, taking it all from a weak Congress. Reporters failed to question Bush nor Congress and would castrate communicators for expressing dissenting opinions against Bush like the Dixie Chicks and Congresswoman Barbara Lee. The same thing is happening "once again" and these wimpy reporters and political analyst need to be called to the table -- and their Wall Street employers should also encourage their reporters to ask the tough question without fear of the Clintons and Clintonites suing them.

Instead of fairly questioning Hilary though, the media now cowardly chooses to attack the easy-going Senator Barack Obama for weeks about the same 'resolved' issues. Questions were already answered, 'but you don't hear me though'. In fact Senator Obama has expressed that he is a Christian a year ago, but Obama-haters continue to call Obama a muslim. You can sit there and remind them that Senator Obama is a Christian, but they will continue to say that he is a Muslim one minute later. Senator Obama is being hammered with fumes spewing from the dripping lips from both the Democratic and Republican news reporters and political analyst, while Hilary continues her negative attacks on Obama, refusing to discuss the important issues that Obama spanks her on consistently. Majority Whip Congressman Jim Clyburn was correct in bringing up that Hilary is not representing the Democratic party as she continues to state that 'a Republican candidate is better for America than her fellow Democratic candidate.' Who knows why Hilary prefers a Republican over a Democratic? We know that Hilary campaigned for an anti-civil rights Arizona Republican Govenor named Barry Goldwater, while Bill worked for an Arkansas segregationist Senator named Fulbright. Details of questionable Clintons allegiance posted here: http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=33772760&postID=2404683840697956151

What about Hilary's association with the Black Panthers, or Hilary associated with a law firm represented Communists? You never hear about this. Hilary gets a pass on this, while Senator Obama would have gotten smashed, if he was associated with the Black Panthers or Communist. Hilary can lie about Bosnia and get a slap on the wrist, but Obama would have been thrown under the bus if he would have lied in 'multiple speeches' about snipper fire over his head when landing in Bosnia. Hilary also gets a pass when her financial supporters Geraldine Ferraro and Bob Johnson making racial comments against Senator Obama. Hilary does not denounce Geraldine nor Bob, nor refuses their contributions, as Obama would have had to do if Ferraro or Bob spoke negatively against Hilary's gender if they had supported Senator Obama. Hilary does not remove Mark Penn from her campaign either for talking with Columbian representative about NAFTA-like negotiations. What is considered fair game when white candidates face off against one another, Senator Obama would be viewed as an un-electable arrogant white woman hater if he brought up Hilary's high negatives and questionable affiliations.

What Hilary cannot take is the fact that she is not the electable woman that was supposed to march to the Presidency un-challenged. And the Clinton name nor Clinton-assumed legacy was not enough to step into the Presidency against formidable opponents. Hilary was going to have to gain trust -- and eventual votes -- from the American people and Super-Delegates, and Hilary has herself proven that she is not worthy of neither trust nor votes. Hilary's face-value lies, deceit, breaking rules, intimidating the media, and hating her OWN Democratic Party, while at the same time respecting the opposition Republican Party's candidate is unforgivable. She did this before as an adult campaigning for Barry Goldwater.

If Hilary loses, will she leave the Democratic Party astray by polarizing Democrats to not support Obama? If Hilary wins, can we trust her to represent the American people or will she resolve to support issues important to her supporting lobbiest and the Republican Party? Have Hilary and Bill decided to side with racist supporters and campaign against the race of Obama versus on the issues that will improve Americans lives? Has Hilary decided she must not be the candidate that loses to a Black man? Has Hilary's pride overturned the issues important to the Democratic Party and the American people?

Voting for Hilary seems waaay toooo risky for the Democrat Party.


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