Chris Rock reminds Bill Clinton: "HILLARY LOST!"
Dave Letterman interviewed Senator Hillary Clinton supporter -- former U.S. President Bill Clinton -- last week on the David Letterman show. The interview lasted a few segments roughly 35 minutes. Throughout the interview Bill Clinton raved about Hillary Clinton, Bill respectfully acknowledged John McCain's contributions, and even touted John McCain's decision to choose Sarah (duh) Palin, stating the McCain's choice of VP energized both Republican and Democratic Party. What is missing

Bill Clinton appeared on other talk shows that week to promote his annual Clinton Foundation major fund-raising event --"The Clinton Global Initiative." John McCain was one of Bill's guest and I am sure that John and wife Cindy are big contributors. John spoke of the Clinton Global Initiative event being his last 'campaign stop' before to deal with the 'urgent' (and I mean urgent) financial crisis in Washington DC. On last Sunday's Meet the Press (meaning Sunday 9-28-08 - a blog update), Bill Clinton tells Tom Brokaw about his "great admiration and affection for McCain" and further "respects his resilience to continue to serve when most would have been broken by McCain's P.O.W. experience. Bill mentioned about Hillary's respect for McCain's skills telling Bill -- prior to a 'McCain fund-raiser' -- that "John has unlimited potential and Bill should go to the McCain fund-raiser and help John." This is the repoire that the Clintons have with Republican John McCain. Bill Clinton also had a great deal of respect for segregationist from Arkansas the late and former Arkansas Senator J. William Fulbright, whom Bill campaigned and worked for in Washington DC during his early "adult" days ---- but that' another story explained in a previous blog, here is the link
The previous weekend Bill Clinton goes on the Larry King show to promote the "Clinton Global Initiative" and again we witness Bill's glowingly admiration about McCain. On the Larry King show, Bill felt the need to school Senator Obama by "suggesting" that Obama resist negative campaigning against Bill's friend John. Bill said Obama would be better off first complimenting McCain before stating their differences. Huh? Didn't we just witness Bill Clinton venomously campaigning negatively against Obama for more than a year on behalf of Hillary? Wasn't it Bill's negative yet controversial statements the reason why African-Americans shifted from Hillary to Obama?
The Democratic primary season of 2008 was one of the most negative campaigns in the history of Democratic primaries. And the Clintons as the main culprits. The Hillary campaign race-baited time and time again. We do recall Bill trivializing Obama's landslide South Carolina victory by claiming that "Rev. Jesse Jackson (a Black man & Pro-Black Civil Rights leader) won that primary too." Bill may have forgotten that Rev. Jesse Jackson was born in South Carolina, kind of a hometown favorite. Hillary spoke a few times about the June death of Robert Kennedy as the reason why she stayed in the race when statistically Hillary had already lost. I do not see how the Clinton could not see how they may be interpreted as Senator Obama may be dead by June, and she would then be the nominee. Some went as far to say that Hillary's statement about Kennedy's June on 1968 death, as a possible call out to hit Obama. During the New Hampshire campaign, Bill called the Obama campaign a 'fairy tale'. Hillary 'marginalized' Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. sacrificial work in getting the Civil Rights bill signed. I do not think anyone would think that these few examples, amongst many, was a positive campaign. And you think that Senator Obama and his wife should be comfortable with Hilary as Vice President? Hell - to the - NO! Expecting the Clintons support is unlikely. Now is the time to get much needed support now that the voter registration deadline is amongst us, and since June when Obama clinched no mass support has been given to Senator Obama by either of the Clintons. Have you seen the Clintons on 60 minutes, NBC Nightly News, CNN, Fox News, and other major news networks and programs highly touting Senator Obama since June when Obama clinched the Democratic Nomination? Hell no! Let's move on without the Clintons today, and give them the ample time (like a year) to figure out why they LOST.
Short as this blog is for me, I conclude that the Obama campaign needs to bypass dreaming of the "active support PROMISED" by Bill and Hillary Clinton. The Clintons shunning the Obama campaign is clear as the big nose on Bill Clinton's face. Bill nor his wife Hillary have proven by their actions from June through the fast approaching Voter Registration deadlines, that they cannot be trusted by the Obama for America Presidential campaign The Clintons and 'feminists for Hillary', refuse to acknowledge the African-American US Senator from Illinois as their Democratic nominee...period! The Clintons cannot face it. The Clintons and their 'Hillary-only' supporters need to MOVE! Get out the way...get out the way...get out the way! MOVE! Get out the way...get out the way....get out the way! Now! And take Geraldine Ferraro with you.
Geraldine is now a political analyst for Fox News. Yes, FOX-TV 'right-wing' NEWS! Fox TV News knows an allie when they see one. Ferraro recently stated on Fox News that she "only supports the Obama-Biden ticket because Senator Obama selected Joe Biden for VP". Hey Geraldine, Obama is running for President not Joe Biden. If you do not support Senator Obama Geraldine then please MOVE....get out the way! Hillary-supporter Geraldine Ferraro you may recall made the infamous statement during the 2008 Democratic Primary, that "Obama is winning because he is Black". Yeah Geraldine, America wants any ol' Black man for President. I believe these luke-warm Obama campaigners (Bill, Hillary, Geraldine, and Hillary-feminists) have a problem with a Black man as their leader. I would love for a reporter to question the Clintons by opening a question with: "Bill (or Hillary), since Barack Obama is now the leader of your party.....?.
Secondly, neither the Clintons nor Ferraro are worthy of any political legacy-status that the Roosevelts and Kennedys earned. The legacied Obama for America campaign should not expect anything but fake lukewarm support from the Clintons and Geraldine. The danger even lingers of a Clinton-sabotage of the Obama campaign. If Senator Barack Obama wins, then the Illinois Senator changes the country around for the better, Hillary will be too old by 2016 to run for President after Obama's rewarded two terms. Let's face it: the Clintons have much to think about at their age. Obama for America campaign managers should give them a year or so to do just that --- think about it. But please do not allow the Clintons to ponder their legacy fate during this rare shot for an Obama Presidency. Senator Obama, do not trust the Clintons. The Clintons, Joe Lieberman, and Geraldine Ferraro all speak more highly of Arizona's "Republican" Senator John McCain than their own beloved African-American Presidential candidate, the same Obama that outmaneuvered Hillary to win the 2008 Democratic nomination, officially accepting the nomination in front of 90,000 people with 40-million people watching on television.
Staunch Feminists that supported Hillary also have a fate-dilemma to face: Whether to support the African-American that beat Hillary fair and square. In fact, the Clintons do not want their strong feminist support to turn their heads away from them, to go over to the Obama camp. Bill and Hillary have to fear that their feminist supporters may never come back. You know that old Arkansas saying: "Once you go'll never go back".
The Clintons further consider Republican candidate John McCain their friend. The same John McCain that voted against the Martin Luther King holiday in McCain's home State of Arizona But the Clintons see that McCain vote as much too trivial a feat, not to compliment their friend John McCain. African-Americans though do not forget, nor respect McCain for that vote against Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. No tour of apology is accepted.
If you read between the dirty lines, Cindy McCain funnels money through the Clinton foundation and then John McCain promotes the Clinton foundation to every American and people around the world. Early this week we heard John suspend his campaign -- for a few days -- after the annual Clinton foundation fundraiser. Put two and two together people. Even the Republicans do not respect McCain's grand-standing, but the $Clintons$ do. How can the Clintons say anything negative about Cindy and John McCain? The Clintons bend over backwards to have you fully respect John McCain and his candidacy, while not speaking of Obama in the same (David Letterman) interview.
Readers, do not be lullabied to sleep by the Clintons, Ferraro, Joe Lieberman, Feminists for Hillary-only, nor anyone else, to keep you from the polls. They all know that a light turn out means that Obama loses, opening the way for a likely Hillary for President win in 2012. If Obama loses, he will not have a favorable shot until 2016. Lots can happen in 8 years.
Get registered by the October 3rd deadline for most states. Promote the vote and register all of your email/text associates and family. On November 4th, make sure you vote (without an Obama shirt or pin on)
This is an outstanding post. Bill Clinton "pimped" the black vote. Who he really is is NOW showing. I applaud Chris Rock for calling him out and for Kirk for this post.
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