
Video: The Obama Deception

The "just released" video titled "The Obama Deception" speaks of the "New World Order." The video claims that the "New World Order" is running the World Economy. And for some straaaange reason President Barack Obama, after just two months into office, is "the chosen New Spokesman" for the New World Order.

The video also states that Wall Street has hijacked Washington DC and the entire Western world. Was it Wall Street that ripped off innocent American Businesses to the point where they can no longer function properly? Is there an 'Anglo-American World Order' as stated here in this video, with London, New York, and Washington DC the targets by the New World Order? The video above mentions many financial people as part of the Bilderberg Group. Who is the Bilderberg Group?

Today I listened to the Warren Ballentine show where the audio of this "new" video was aired. I even air-checked the show so Warren can better present future revealing and informative programs so the "radio" listener can better follow along. Warren played a large protion of the audio from the video - "The Obama Deception" - on his show today. I had to see the video for myself. After seeing it, wow! You have to see it for yourself, even though you may not agree with the information provided. However, knowing that the DVD is circulating around the world, with our President mentioned in a questionable manner.

Whether the video was put together by Neo-Cons (as one radio caller stated), or Obama-haters, Independent Journalists, or whomever -- the information is worth your critique.


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