VP Joe Biden is 100% correct and Mayor Bloomberg is 100% wrong about the Swine Flu
Vice-President Joe Biden warns families.
In bold from NBCNEWYORK.COM reported by Jennifer Millman is the following:
Vice President Joe Biden might be afraid of the subways. But not Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who despite the swine flu, feels just as safe as ever.
“I took the subway here today as I do every day and I will continue to tomorrow as well,” Bloomberg said during a press conference this morning, diplomatically choosing not to express any outrage at Biden's irresponsible warning to avoid the subways amid the swine flu outbreak.
"This flu does not seem to be taking over the city, and so there's no evidence that being on the subway would, in a confined space increase dramatically the probability," Bloomberg said. "The bottom line is I feel perfectly safe on the subway."
Biden, himself a famed train commuter, unleashed one of his classic gaffes on the “Today” show this morning, inspiring fear and anger among thousands of New York City commuters.
"I wouldn't go anywhere in confined places now," Biden said when asked whether he would advise family members to use public transportation. "It's not that it's going to Mexico, it's you're in a confined aircraft when one person sneezes it goes all the way through the aircraft. That's me. I would not be, at this point … suggesting they ride the subway. "
Simular in the other media sources everyone is reporting that Vice-President Biden is wrong in his assessment. As Ms. Millman above states, "Biden unleashed a classic gaffe." Really! In fact with such unresponsible criticism from journalists, the Vice-President had to back track and re-state later on. Why should VP Biden have had to do so? I think it was on point, spot-on. You listen to Biden's statement again in the above video or read his statements in bold. You as a family member or parent of young kids, should take careful notes from the Vice-President -- as a "beginning" point!
NOW....on the other hand you have the statement by New York's Mayor Bloomberg. In a city that has a whole school infected with the swine flu, the New York Mayor is getting on the subway and showing his city, and America, that the subway is safe to ride. I guess the New York subway and subways in other cities are now "germ-free", according to New York Mayor Bloomberg. To me, and responsible thinkers, this is a most dangerous point that Mayor Bloomberg is driving home to people in his city and everywhere else that has public transportation, that "The Subway is safe" from the un-curable killer disease known as the Swine Flu, or R2D2 -- whatever they are now calling it.
People, are we so brainwashed by money that we would side with Mayor Bloomberg's foolish assessment and not with Vice-President Joe Biden, when a "KILLER DISEASE" 'without a cure' is spreading un-controllably throughout the United States, especially in New York city, Mexico, and yes, throughout the world? To date the Swine Flu is in 34 States, that includes a high school that is the same district with my two sons and step-daughter.
I side with Vice-President Joe Biden's concern for his family. My family is just as important and I feel the exact same way. And, as you know from your past flu's, during the first few two days of the flu you do not know that you have it. You think you have a little fever, a little cough, and little neck bones are chilled.
During those first few days of anybody "having the flu", you could have gone to a college class, rode the subway to the airport, flew in an airplane, took a cab to your destination, and then attended a Washington Nationals baseball game later that night.
Again people, are we so brainwashed by the financial well-being of the Subway system, an overpriced University, Airlines, the Yellow Cab system, and Major League Baseball, that we neglect the FACT that an un-cured deadly disease called the Swine Flu is speading much faster than a wildfire?
The media pundits just laugh at this protective statement by Vice President Joe Biden, yet says absolutely nothing about Mayor Bloomberg "absurd" statement that a germ-passing subway train is SAFE TO RIDE DAILY, in a city that has an entire school of kids infected whom just came from MEXICO? This is in New York city NOW! Doesn't that alarm you?
What is this world coming to? You may recall that the media mis-lead us non-patriots into a multi-trillion dollar war in Afghanistan and Iraq, and Osama Bin Laden is still free. But near 10-thousand Americans, hundreds of thousand of Iraqis and Afghans are dead, and our country is bankrupted.
The questions that Mayor Bloomberg should be MORE concerned with should be

Responsible questions should be asked like: "Where have these kids been since they contracted the 'un-cured' deadly swine flu disease?" "How do these kids travel to and from school -- on the subway, bus, car, or cab?" "Are these kids on a Little League team?" "Are their parents also infected?" If the parents are infected, did they go to work while infected?" "Did these infected parents go to your neighborhood grocery store?" "How do these infected parents travel from place to place -- car, subway, bus, or cab?"
But NO! The first stint in the Swine Flu era from Mayor Bloomberg is that it's safe and germ-free to travel (continue to pay that money baba) to ride on the New York subway.
I say you protect your family like Vice-Preident Joe Biden is protecting his. Make sure they wash their hands with anti-bacteria soap. Do not shake anyone's hands period. If you do not have to, don't ride in an airplane, or any public transportation. If you have to use public transportation, then wear a mask and have pocket anti-bacteria soap with you and use it frequently. Do not open your mouth nor touch anyone while in public. Wear gloves. When you arrive to your destination, immediately wash your hands with anti-bacteria soap thoroughly.
You see people, you and your family should take the advice from those like Vice-President Joe Biden who cares about his family catching a deadly disease and dying, which is spreading throughout your city today.
And did you know that millions in America, catch the flu in the Fall and Winter months? What are we doing to prepare for this period? Will the medical folks have a vaccine by then? How will you know? What is your source for medical and health information?
Let's not forget that that Mexican border is still not closed. Folks have been coming over the Mexican border to our country, both legally and illegally, for centuries and especially during the last three decades including today. You have also seen those extra long lines in your local airport to the counter of Mexican and Central American airlines.
Houston we have a problem!
The Swine Flu problem can only get worst with these "factual" normal day-to-day elements, like the aforementioned wide open border to swine flus' epicenter, Mexico. And yes...the Subway.
Oh and btw, Cinco de Mayo is this coming week and Mexicans are flowing to and from Mexico to celebrate -- returning to your city, schools, planes, trains, and cabs. Wake up people!!! Be as safe as humanly possible on behalf of you and your people, much greater than Vice-President Joe Biden.
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