Host of Sports Machine George Michael dies

Sports Machine would close with a heartwrenching behind-the-scene story. Both "Behind the Music" and "Real Sports" made millions on George's idea to focus on the personal stories of the athletes. Often times Michael would bring on nationally unknown, but hot regional sports like Nascar, Skiing, Rodeos, Bull-Riding, surfing, etc...
It was clear that the national sports scene was covered on George Michael's Sports Machine.
So why would anyone force George Michael to resign, retire, or was he simply fired for being the #1 guy locally on WRC-TV a Washington NBC affiliate, and nationally on NBC. This fascinates me when someone that is number one is "released" from both his local and national sports shows and both are number one during their timeslots.
First coming to Washington DC in 1996, I watched NBC News because George Michael was there, before taking a liking to the other broadcasters like Jim Vance.
The question is: Does his age play a part in this? If George is number one then that would be a strong case for age-discrimination, as both his local and successful national were cancelled at the same time replace by a young blond girl.
No above-the-line executive would fess up to what happen but I am almost certain that George had a gag order along with a non-compete retirement package that was most certainly sweet, with a clause not to sue for age-discrimination. Looks like a settlement.
George Michael is now dead. They say that Michael died of some form of leukemia. I believe after watching his tearful final sportscast a few years, that George may have quit life because of how he was unceremoneously let go at the top of his game. Top of game to me means that you have it all, all the contacts and trusted relations with all sports from the top level down.
Why would you get rid of someone with those type of resources and trust, when the pipes are still crisp and the excitement, passion, and work ethic is still there. Shouldn't you let number one continue to be number one? In George's case, no.
Seem like someone had to prove that they had the power to egotistically fire a top level legend, instead of letting George continue to be number one.
Unfortunately, the powers-that-be felt a pretty young blond-haired woman -- that is obvioiusly not amongst the top two-hundred sportscaster in America -- could replace the number one sportscaster in America.
Evidence is that today, I do not see her on any nationally syndicated Sports Machine or national anything. I wonder why?
RIP George Michael from one of your millions of fans....Thank you.

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