
Congresswoman Maxine Waters Calls for Hearing Date, Allegations from Standards Committee


August 4, 2010
For Immediate Release
Contact: Michael Levin
Phone: (202) 225-2201

Congresswoman Waters Calls for Hearing Date, Allegations from Standards Committee

Washington, DC – Eager to present her case in response to allegations against her, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) today called on the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct to schedule an adjudicatory hearing and to release to the public all documents related to her.

Although the Committee recently announced it would schedule a hearing as Congresswoman Waters requested, the Committee did not determine a date for the hearing. Congresswoman Waters seeks a hearing at the earliest possible date and certainly prior to the election in November. In a letter to the Committee, she wrote, “I feel strongly that further delay in the scheduling of the hearing violates the fundamental principles of due process, denies my constituents the opportunity to evaluate this case, and harms my ability to defend my integrity.”

In addition, the Committee has not released the allegations against Congresswoman Waters, resulting in media reports and speculation based only on a report prepared by the controversial Office of Congressional Ethics. Congresswoman Waters has waived her right to keep the Committee’s findings, known as the Statement of Alleged Violation (SAV), and related documents confidential because she wants the public to be fully informed about this matter. “In combination with the scheduling of the hearing, the release of the SAV will enable this process to take place in a timely manner and provide the transparency that the American public deserves,” she wrote. “I am confident that once the Subcommittee report is released and I am able to present my case, my constituents and all Americans will understand that I have not violated any House rules.”

The full text of the letter Congresswoman Waters sent today to the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct follows:

Dear Chairwoman Lofgren and Ranking Member Bonner:

I am writing to ask that the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct schedule my adjudicatory hearing prior to the November election. I am deeply concerned by the Committee’s failure to announce a date for a public hearing in its most recent press release. I feel strongly that further delay in the scheduling of the hearing violates the fundamental principles of due process, denies my constituents the opportunity to evaluate this case, and harms my ability to defend my integrity.

Also, I would like to waive my procedural right and grant permission for the Committee to release the Statement of Alleged Violation (SAV) and all accompanying documents pursuant to Clause 26 (b) of the Committee’s rules. In combination with the scheduling of the hearing, the release of the SAV will enable this process to take place in a timely manner and provide the transparency that the American public deserves.

I am confident that once the Subcommittee report is released and I am able to present my case, my constituents and all Americans will understand that I have not violated any House rules.


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