
Five myths about young voters

story by Washington Post
written by Heather Smith

In 2008, young voters swept President Obama and a Democratic majority into office. He spoke to them, texted them, involved them -- and they showed up. Now, with the midterms approaching, the president is again trying to energize these voters. At an event last month at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, he told the crowd, "We can't sit this one out."

That's the worry among Democrats and a constant refrain from both sides: Young voters are fickle and will stay home. It's just one of the myths being peddled about young voters and what it will take to get them to the polls next week.

1. Democrats need young voters to show up Nov. 2. Too bad they won't.

2. With Facebook and text messages, there's no need to knock on doors anymore.

3. After 2008, everyone learned how to energize new voters.

4. There is a huge enthusiasm gap between the mostly Democratic new voters from 2008 and the tea party movement.

5. Obama has rekindled his campaign magic with big rallies in battleground States.

More here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/10/22/AR2010102202699.html?sid=ST2010102204725


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