
Vote Sisters Vote!

commentary by Donna Brazile

I voted. Have you?

I voted early so I can focus on helping candidates in the closing days of this important election season.

We all know these elections are going to be tough. Midterm elections are always difficult for the party of the President. If you look at the electoral map, the polling, and the candidates we have on the ballots this year, there’s an excellent chance of us electing men and women who will help us continue on our path to opportunity and prosperity for all.

This election season we can re-elect Denise Nappier, State Treasurer in Connecticut, and send the first Black woman, Terri Sewell from the State of Alabama to Congress. We have the opportunity to elect women of color across the country from Kamala Harris in California, to Yvette McGee Brown in Ohio, to Linda Chavez Thompson in Texas and Frederica Wilson, who will replace Kendrick Meek in Florida.

This year’s mid-term election is our second coming–the second coming of women who followed in the remarkable footsteps of Shirley Chisholm, Cardiss Collins, Patsy Mink, Yvonne Braithwaite Burke, Barbara Jordan, Katie Hall, Eleanor Holmes Norton, and Maxine Waters.

If African Americans and Hispanic women go to the polls to help Democratic candidates, we CAN win even in the difficult states. With a strong African American and Latino turnout, we can elect a Senator, re-elect a Governor, elect an Attorney General, and elect statewide candidates in Georgia, Oregon in my home state of Louisiana, and in cities across the nation. We’re counting on African American and Hispanic voters of all ages and genders. I want to take a moment to address in particular the black women and young people reading this blog. We’re counting on you! Your votes could make all the difference in cities like Louisville, Tallahassee, Las Vegas, Philadelphia, Chicago and Houston just to name a few.

While growing up in New Orleans, Louisiana I desperately searched for role models who not only looked like me, but also those who would inspire me to have courage in the political arena. I was lucky, was able to learn by watching women like Shirley Chisholm, Marian Wright Edelman, and Barbara Jordan.

Reminiscent of Sojourner, Harriett, Ida, Septima, Ella, Fannie, Rosa, Coretta, Dorothy and now yes, YOU! We must vote to continue the change. This midterm election is too important and it’s up to us. Listen to Aretha—“sisters are doing it for themselves!”

Our voter turnout was historic in 2008 and WE surged along with first time voters and elected Barack Obama as the President of the United States of America.

Ignore what the pundits tell you: the outcome of this election is up to US. We have the power to shape the future. You have the power to help President Obama by delivering change that matters. So please, get involved – volunteer and vote.

It’s important for us to realize the necessity of good voter protection efforts around the country.

Be ready for anything and be persistent knowing that nothing is going to stop you from voting. Don’t be confused by deceptive messages, negative ads or pundits telling you it’s all over.

Across the nation we have thousands of lawyers and trained observers going to polling places helping to protect your right to cast your vote. We are here to support you.

If you have a problem or have questions about the voting process, go to www.raiseyourvote.com – we have information about every state.

Or call our National Voter Protection Hotline, 1-800-311-VOTE.

Our candidates are depending on African American voters to help put them over the top to victory!

We need you right now. With your help, we can win this.

You’ve got the numbers! You’ve got the power! Use it!

In the spirit of those who dare, Vote Sisters Vote!

In the spirit of those who blazed a trail so the rest of us could follow, Vote Sisters Vote!

In the spirit of those who never gave up the dream of one day casting a ballot, Vote Sisters Vote!

Once again, your one vote can, must, and will always make a difference.

Vote Sisters Vote!

Donna Brazile


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