
Voter / Photo ID laws moving from State to State

Dear Kirk,

Every time I turn on the TV or read the newspaper, there's a new attempt to keep registered folks from the polls this November.

The latest? Pennsylvania Representative Mike Turzai recently had the audacity to boast that a newly-passed photo ID law in his state would "allow" a certain candidate to win the battleground state. This law stands to impact nearly 1 in every 10 registered voters in Pennsylvania.

This is unconscionable. It is un-American. And it dishonors the sacrifices of generations of Americans who have fought and died to extend the right to vote to every citizen.

We must, must make sure that the needs of low-income and urban communities are represented at the polls in November. Please make your most generous gift to National Urban League now.


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July 2012 View e-mail online

National Urban League
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Dear Kirk,

It's time to take a stand.

Across our nation, insidious forces are working to exclude millions of Americans from the polls.

We can't let them win – and we won't. Make your gift to National Urban League now and join our fight to protect the vote.

New voter restriction laws on the books or in the works could deny the right to vote to more than 5 million Americans this year.

The mostly conservative proponents of these new laws claim they are meant to prevent widespread voter fraud. But the numbers to back up this argument simply don't exist.

Let's be clear – the real reason behind this spate of new laws is to suppress the votes of minority communities – African Americans, Latinos, young people, the elderly and people with disabilities.

If we are to address the dire economic and educational challenges facing underserved communities, we must start with the vote. Your donation today will help us fight voter suppression, educate citizens about new voting laws, and get people to the polls on Election Day.

Our politicians should be focusing on what really matters – creating jobs, jobs, jobs – and not devising ways to take away one of our most basic rights.

Will you take a stand with me by making a gift today? This fight won't be easy... but there is no challenge more worth our struggle.

With much gratitude,

Marc Morial
Marc H. Morial
President and Chief Executive Officer
National Urban League


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