President Obama Sends Congress $3.9 Trillion Budget to Boost Growth
Story by Bloomberg
Written by Roger Runningen and Derek Wallbank

A Senate staff member picks up a copy of President Barack Obama's Fiscal Year 2015 / Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg
President Barack Obama sent Congress a $3.9 trillion budget request with increased spending for employment, education and job-training programs to boost the economy, financed partly by trimming tax breaks for upper-income families and some businesses.
The sixth budget of Obama’s presidency, released eight months before the November midterm elections, would enhance tax-credit programs for some families and childless workers and pump about $302 billion over four years into infrastructure projects such as roads and bridges. It would allocate $25 billion less for weapons and research than projected a year ago.
“The budget is not just about numbers, it’s about our values,” Obama said at a Washington elementary school today. “It’s a road map for creating jobs” in part through education, while it “adheres to the spending levels” agreed to by Congress.
To "Boost Growth" in WHAT?
If "A Budget Is A Moral Document" - what do you believe we should call a machine that has harvested the valuables from the people in the urban areas, with 50 years of promises of development - only to have them end up in an advanced state of underdevelopment and yet the machine that now controls their key "Human Resources Development Institutions" (Schools, culture, entertainment, etc) are not asked by these same people: "Where Is The Money That We Gave To You For Our Development?"
Can you say the ORGANIC COMPETENCIES of "the least of these" has GROWN during this time?
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