Jay-Z Meets With NY Governor To Discuss Criminal Justice Reform In Eric Garner Case

Jay-Z meets with NY Governor Andrew Cuomo in Manhattan
Story by Global Grind
If there’s one celebrity you can always count on to take part in social action, it’s none other than hip-hop entrepreneur Jay-Z.
Jay Z has donated money to the ongoing protests in Ferguson. He has supported the trans community for discrimination, and was on the scene of the rally for Trayvon Martin in New York City. And just recently, the rapper supported Eric Garner’s family this week when he distributed “I Can’t Breathe” t-shirts to members of the Brooklyn Nets.
Now, he’s letting his voice be heard by discussing ways to reform criminal justice with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.
Jay Z and Andrew Cuomo held a private meeting on Wednesday, wherein Jay urged Cuomo to hire a special prosecutor to further investigate Eric Garner’s death at the hands of a city police officer.
According to Cuomo’s spokeswoman Melissa Derosa, the governor and rapper “had a productive conversation about doing a top-to-bottom review of the criminal justice system.”
Other hip-hop celebs like Def Jam founder Russell Simmons and conscious rapper Common joined protesters at a City Hall rally yesterday, where they called on elected officials to hold police more accountable.
Cuomo is considering putting proposals before the State Legislature next year. He is also weighing a request from State Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman for temporary authority to investigate fatal confrontations between police and civilians until broader changes in criminal justice procedure occur.
Meanwhile, Jay has ordered thousands more “I Can’t Breathe” t-shirts set to be picked up on Friday just in time for the "National March Against Police Violence" from Freedom Plaza to the US Capitol in Washington DC — a National day of action called by Ferguson organizers — on Saturday morning December 13th. 2014.
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