Sound quality still matters to consumers
Story by Inside Radio
For lovers of high fidelity sound, the rise of web radio isn’t exactly easy on the ears. And as many Americans found new gadgets under their tree last week, there’s a silver lining for over-the-air FM radio, and HD Radio in particular: most still say audio quality matters.
A global survey commissioned by CSR found that 82% of those polled rate excellent sound quality as one of the most important features in home audio systems.
And 79% agree the quality of sound is becoming more important than the appearance of devices.
Two-thirds of people believe they can tell the difference between a pair of $500 headphones and a set that costs just $50.
While people historically liked to show off the look of their stereo’s speakers, today they’re seeking out CD-quality sound, according to CSR SVP Anthony Murray. “Music is hugely important to consumers and a way many of us make a personal statement, manage our emotions and deal with the daily grind,” he says. “Consumers have demonstrated that they view their sound systems and equipment as something worth investing in but they increasingly have less patience for poor sound quality, difficult set-up procedures, multiple remotes and devices that aren’t interoperable with the equipment they already have.”
The State of Play Research Report shows that three-quarters (76%) of people have listened to streamed music at home in the past month — and that 62% think everyone will stream music from the internet within five years as CDs, vinyl and mp3 files become obsolete.
The results are based on online interviews by Loudhouse Research among 2,000 adults aged 18 to 65 during October and November.

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