Charlie Hebdo suspects killed, ‘several hostages freed’ at Paris market

Members of the French police special forces evacuate the hostages after launching the assault at a Kosher grocery store in Porte de Vincennes, eastern Paris(AFP PHOTO)
Story by France 24
Video by CNN
Two suspects in the Charlie Hebdo attacks who were holed up northeast of Paris have been killed, officials said. A hostage crisis at a Paris market was also brought to an end with several hostages freed.
French police launched an assault Friday on the two Charlie Hebdo shooting suspects – brothers Cherif Kouachi, 32, and Said Kouachi, 34 – reportedly killing both. A hostage the men were holding at a printing shop in the town of Dammartin-en-Goële, around 12 kilometres (7.5 miles) from Paris's main airport, Charles De Gaulle, has been released and is unhurt.
Mayor: Charlie Hebdo terror suspects dead
Police also stormed a Kosher supermarket in eastern Paris, releasing several hostages who were held there by a gunman. The hostage-taker, who is reported dead, has been linked to the fatal shooting of a policewoman in Montrouge in southern Paris on Thursday.
French officials have also said there was a "connection" between the Montrouge shooting and the massacre at Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday.

French police storm two hostage sites in Paris and north of the city, with the hostage takers are confirmed dead.
The Kouachi brothers are suspected of killing 12 people at the Paris-based satirical weekly – eight journalists, two police officers, a maintenance worker and a visitor. Eleven people were also wounded, four of them seriously.
Nine people have so far been detained in the investigation.
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