CBCF InFocus: Honoring Our CBC Spouses Legacy with the 2015 Scholarship Classic

Left to right: Mrs. Alma Rangel, wife of Rep. Charles B. Rangel (NY) and founding member of the CBC Spouses; Rep. Charles B. Rangel, CBC founding member
Honoring C.B.C.'s Legacy with the C.B.C. Spouses
This month, the CBCF and Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Spouses celebrate the Living Legacy of Mrs. Alma Rangel, Wife of CBC Founder Rep. Charles B. Rangel.
In 1976, Mrs. Rangel became a founding member of the CBC Spouses. This dynamic group laid the groundwork for many of the CBCF's internships and fellowships. Since its first education scholarship program in 1988, the CBC Spouses have awarded more than $11 million in scholarships to deserving students nationwide.
The deadline to apply for the CBC Spouses scholarships is May 1.
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