Flood Relief Donations to Baton Rogue, La. - WWW.BRFLOODRELIEF.COM

Link to Donate to Baton Rouge: www.brfloodrelief.com
In the wake of recent flooding in Baton Rouge and surrounding areas, many of our residents find themselves displaced and experiencing significant property damage and even loss.
We are thankful for the immediate efforts and outpouring of support we have seen and stand ready and willing to assist in rebuilding an even stronger Baton Rouge.
The road ahead will be long and at times not easy but through collective efforts, we will remain unBRoken.
To offer your monetary support to these efforts please use the link above to donate. Funds raised through here will be used to purchase the items listed below and donated to the shelters currently housing displaced residents.
100% of funds raised will go towards disaster relief and all donations are tax deductible. We will provide periodic updates on how your donations are helping the people of Baton Rouge rebuild.
We thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness and generosity during our season of need.
* Water
* Non-perishable food
* Snacks
* Diapers
* Baby formula and baby food
* Clothing (especially children’s)
* Towels
* Personal hygiene items (deodorant, toothbrush, etc.)
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