
The Democratic Party have two years -- Ready, Set, GO!

The "BIG Election" is finally over. The computer recorded phone calls have stopped. You can now turn your ringers back on.

Tuesday November 7th -- "a day that will live in emphamy" -- the Democrats took both the House and the Senate. New Chairs:

1. Congresman John Conyers (D-Mich) will chair the Judicial committee. And you could not have asked for a better investigator and watchdog for the Bush Aministration than Congressman Conyers.
2. Comgresswoman Maxine Waters (D-Ca) chairs the Public Housing committee. Public Housing is a mess in major cities throughout the country, and if anyone can get the basic necessities implemented and then some, its Maxine Waters.
3. Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY) will Chair the "Ways and Means" committee. Glad that the Democrats won the House and Senate so Rangel will not retire.
4. Alcee Hastings (D-Fl) will now chair the Intelligence committee. He is extremely intelligent
5. Nancy Poloski (D-Ca) is Speaker of the House promising diversity. We'll see.
6. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) with his Barry White voice, will be the Majority Whip if its ok with Nancy. 7. Benny Thompson (D-MS) chairs Homeland Security
8. Juanita Millender McDonald (D-Ca) chairs House Adminstration Committee

This is what is suppose to take place Democratic Congress. These able African-Americans have paid their dues Ms. Pelosi, but so have millions of other minorities in this country. Will Nancy Pelosi do the "right" thing, or will she place an invisible "above the line" ceiling on these people of color -- too.

Two short years to accomplish these important issues you campaigned for. Initiatives like: Affordable Health Care, Pell Grant restoration, Affirmative Action, and Minimum Wage increases. We'll shall soon see.

Demos cannot go into the 2008 Presidential campaign without improving the voters lives who came out in key States with record numbers. I look at this election as a victory but also a revolt against the Bush Adminstration. Simular to Nixon and the Reagon Era we all know that voters became disenchanted with a dictatorship infrastructure. Even the leaders of the Republican Party felt that this Bush Administration is fiscally irresponsible. Dick Armey even wrote in an op-ed in the Washington Post that" "the current Republicans in Congress fear the big issues and push for the miniscule issues like flag burning, same-sex marriage, and banning horsemeat".

Will two years be enough to find those "big issue" limited government Conservative Republicans to run for Congress and President in 2008? Who knows. But the basis for the Democrats remaining as the Majority of Congress rests upon their accomplishments between now and 2008. Hopefully the Demos wil not waste energy getting "REVENGE ON REPUBLICANS". There's immediate work to do for the voters.

A vast number of people are relocating and populating a number of districts outlined from the 2000 census. When gentrification and migration is complete, a new face may appear in red or blue areas. Agriculture may even return. There has been a movement to the South by African-Americans migrating from the expensive cities in the north and west. Wars and coruption have forced millions of Central Americans to the US over the last decade. Central Americans have also recently migrated in large numbers to the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions.

Democratic Superstars have to reevaluate and frankly wake up. The decade of avoiding issues important to minorities are over. Issues cannot be tabled. For instance the MCRI's Yes on Proposal Two initiative passed in Michigan outlawing Affirmative Action in Education and Government. A better understanding of the issue -- promoted by the DNC and its Democratic Superstars -- would have easily defeated the Proposal. Judging from Prop 209 passing in California ten years ago, whereas today's admissions for African Americans in California's higher education has declined back to the 1960's level. Those qualified African-Americans in Michigan and elsewhere, can expect problems in being admitted into Michigan Universities especially if you did not attend a parochial or college prep high school. It is unfortunately nonetheless, that Bill and Hilary Clinton, nor Barack Obama, Nancy Poloski, Howard Dean, John Kerry, and the other Democratic Powers refuse to support 'publically', issues benefial to White Woman, the Disabled, Veterans, and African-Americans (statistically in that order) to name a few. The bill's author Ward Connerly now sets out to other States to do more damage in the next election. I hear that Wisconsin is next. The next generation is hopeful that John Conyers will nationalize fairness through Affirmative Action, using California and the State of Washington as case studies. John Conyers happens to be a Congressman from Michigan. We Hope that consideration is given to this fairness issue, and not to wasted time and energy getting revenge on the Republicans, or focusing attention on the lower priority issues -- as the Republican Congress has been doing for years now.

These same Democratic Superstars were not in Arizona either, to stop the English Only Proposition affecting mostly "legal" Spanish speaking children. An initiative that will make it virtually impossible for Spanish-Speaking citizens to adapt in such areas as education. I cannot understand why Arizonians would make it difficult a ten year old Spanish-Speaking kid to adapt in school. Respect the population. I would not be surprised if the Mexicans, El Salvadorians, Hondurans, Columbians, Dominican Republicans etc... continue their refusal to both register to vote and vote in 2008, as they have been unfortunately cast off as problematic despite the work they have accomplished for the Southwest. Latinos (Hispanics) voted 44 percent Republican in 2004, and this time is 30 percent Republican. In many US Senate and House races the extra fourteen percent was the difference. Can the DNC say thank you? No, they rather think it was the Catholic or Liberal Evangelical or Moderate Republican vote and these "non-taxed" group's "interest" will be highly coveted in the next two years with tax payers dollars.

Seems to me that the DNC has achieved -- this time around -- its goal of gaining Moderate Republicans. Moderate and traditional Conservative Republicans firmly disagree with the Bush Administration and the former "rubberstamp" majority Republican Congress. I think it is high time now for the DNC to concentrate on African Amercan and Latinos issues, and to register the tens of millions of unregistered minorities for 2008. That may be an easy task for the Hispanic voters, as the Bush Administation is leaning towards deporting the Democratic leaning minorities by the millions. Not to mention spending our tax dollars to build a wall simular in thought to the Chinese Wall on the Southern border. The massive Immigration protests earlier this year, obviously changed their support from the Republican Party, but the Democrats refused to again acknowledge their issues and their importance to the party. Though you can say that the ten percent that went over to the Democratic party this election (forty percent of Latinos voted in 2004 for the Repulbican Party, thirty percent this time around) was enough in some States to put the Democratic Party over the hump. The Democratic Congress owes Hispanics too.

Now history repeats itself as traditional southern business residents are now being outbided for contracts, mostly by Central Americans "legal" immigrants, and instead of fairly competing with them as our country is based on, the Southern attitude is to kick the competition out of the country. While most of the Hispanics are not registered to vote, their population keeps growing and growing and growning. In most communities, the dominant population is catered too, but when it comes to non-white races. I am sure that the career Democratic fund raising machines and lobbyist in and around Capital Hill "should" think that it would be a good investment for the DNC to support the "needs" and "issues" important to both African-Americans and Latinos immediately. In return the Democrats would gain trust enough (I should say regain) for us to participate in the voting process.

The numbers of votes are there, but these votes will not be free. "Free" in a sense of again, refusing to invest into the infrastructure of these communities and their children. I also sense that in 2008 the Republicans WILL rally and again vote for traditional Republican candidates. Democrats can expect to lose these "suddenly highly valued" Republican votes received November 7th by default (default of the Bush Adminstration's and the rubber stamp Republican Congress).

Now that you have succeeded in the rare achievement of temporarily getting those Moderate votes and the high Democratic turnout, its time to come across the traintracks and to the east and south side of the urban highways. The "gradualism" -- wait for use to get the Congress back -- stance will no longer work. The same "put aside" tactics were also used by Segregationist and Law Enforcement Agencies in the 50's and 60's South and the Labor Unions in the North. The Population explosion amongst minorities, and other factors bring about a new way of thinking. A much different landscape than forty years ago and even ten years ago. A Jim Webb may work in a strong red State, but not in blue States. Voting was not allowed in Virginia and other Southern States for minorities without the un-passable literacy test, nor were Blacks admitted into these States' Universities. Because of the "Gradualism" stance, the Democratic Party 'obviously' ignoring Affirmative Action proposals on the ballot (no spin reply necessary) is going back to preventing minorities from getting a fair shake at a higher education and employment ops. We are going back statically (check Prop 209 in California) to the days so familiar in 50's in California, Washington, Ariaona, and now Michigan.

It is unfortunately that the Democratic Party would rather hold hands with candidates in places like Montana than telling minorities in Michigan to wait until after the election. Well superstar Democrats we needed you DURING the election campaign for an elected Propostition, and you ignored us. That creates suspicion. Now minority parents of "qualified" minority children considering a University of Michigan education will have to look elsewhere. The case study is Proposition 209 in 1995 in California that wiped out Affirmative Action in that state. The year after Prop 209 passed in California to eliminate Affirmative Action, there was a 63% decline in admissions of African-Americans.

Does the Democratic Powers that be now fear being considered a party that supports African-American and Latinos? We do expect this from Right Wing Republicans and the KKK, but not from the Party of Robert Kenney and the party that signed the Civil Rights Bill.

African-American Republicans are finding out that despite the leaders of their party public persona of supporting African-American candidates, these candidates cannot get the support from Republican voters. None of the Black Republican candidates on November 7th to include statewide candidate: Steele, Swann, and Blackwell. That short line of Black Republicans may get shorter as they can only now only hope to be "appointed" but not elected behind the closed curtain of a voting booth in neither Red nor Blue States.

Nevertheless, close to 100 million minorities are now elated about the '06 victory, but verballyl upset and dis-satisfied that propositions dear to us were "purposely avoided" by the Democratic campaign managers. Congratulations on victories in Montana, Missouri, and Virginia!!! Yet those tens of millions unregistered miinority voters to date, do not feel it worthy of their time to register to vote. Now I am hearing rumblings that Nancy is considering others for the chair seats that African-Americans listed above have rightly earned.

The mentality of the Democratic Party must change or else these registered numbers that you will "desperately" will need in 2008 will sit home on election day. If Arizona and Michigan were not worth your valuable "public" face and your precious time to defeat these misleading or outright wrong important measures to the two largest minority groups, then why should we vote for you in 2008? Why get involved with a political party that again says "wait". We are tired of the 'keep hope alive' and 'the battle is lost but the war will be won....later' rhetoric. It is time now for: 'the deal is signed, sealed, and delivered' or 'sign on the bottom line' or 'the deal is closed' rhetoric. No more of this hopeful crap, which is not a shot at one of my leaders in Jesse Jackson. Jackson optimism is incredibly hopeful. No, this is a shot at the newly elected Democratic Decision-Makers on Capital Hill. I know that Jesse Jackson this time around, will demand with demonstations, phone calls, and letter writing campaigns that you move your asses Democratic leadership and let's get things done.

You failed on Novemver 7th in this regard....but we are hopeful that you move toward 'closing deals', but until then....shut the hell up. Come out to make your speeches when the deal is done. Even an entertainer or author knows to only come out when their new product is in the retail stores and on-line. "Now is the Time" to prove yourself -- newly majority Democratic Congress. Spend two hundred days a year on Capital Hill instead of the current one-hundred days that you serve our country, to make sure all the "I's" are dotted and the "T's" are crossed.

And first and foremost you need to say Thank You to the special assistance received from many groups, successful campaigning on your behalf. For instance, the "Promote the Vote" campaign -- initiated by yours truly six months ago -- in anticipation of an opportune election for the Democratic Party. Those daily Syndication One broadcasts urging our listeners to both register to vote and get out and vote worked. A Six-Month Radio, and website campaign ensued. Our affliates stepped up with additional local campaigns in Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, Cleveland, Seattle, Birmingham, Boston...to name a few. Politians and Celebrities recorded 'Register to Vote' liners further expressing the importance of this election and the many Political intervews with those Democratic superstars. These liners ran four times an hour. We broadcast "live" from the "Take Back America" conference; the NAACP, NABJ, and CBC conventions; and the politically charged broadcast of the first aniversary of Katrina live from New Orleans. "Now is the Time" for you to come through to close these beneficial deals swiftly.

The "Promote the Vote" campaign concluded with a major election re-cap program on November 8th with Political News Reporters from our Affliate's stations representative their States; also Political Scientists, Political Analysts, Major Political figures, and Campaign Organizers were interviewed. Syndicaton One's APD Teshima Walker gets the credit for organizing a successful election re-cap program on the 8th of November in support of the Democratic victory. The whole campaign from end to end was extremely successful. And we do not need statisctical measurements, as we already know that we both informed and inspired and angered voters to register and to vote due to its' importance. Listen to many of the interviews in the archive section of websites sharptontalk.net and dysontalk.net.

Supportive Media networks that rallied and informed voters to get to the polls should be thanked, and we hope not forgotten. So when Lee Michaels, Teshima Walker, LaFontaine Oliver, Joe Madison, Al Sharpton, Fatiyn Muhammed, Mark Thompson, Ashley Taylor, Ambrose I. Lane Sr., Dana Carl, EZ Street, Ralph Cooper, Michael Eric Dyson, and I, call those now honorary members of the majority Democratic Congress for interviews and comments - MAKE IT HAPPEN!

TWO YEARS and counting!!!

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