
Hillary supporter presents Rev. Wright "Live"

The below article by Errol Louis of the NY Daily News is a bit disturbing. Disturbing in a sense that I know Barbara Reynolds. Barbara has been a talk show host for heritage radio station WOL in Washington DC for a number of years. From 1996 to 2001, I was the Creative Services Director at WOL when Barbare worked there. Barbara Reynolds also hosted a talk show on the Power channel 169 on XM Satellite when Radio One programmed that channel from 2001 to 2007. Again I worked with Barbara in the same capacity from January 2006 to December 2007, when Radio One disbanded the XM channel. I now find out that Barbara Reynolds is the Hilary supporter that put together the National Press Club speaking engagement for Reverend Jeremiah Wright in Washington DC. The disturbance is that Hilary supporter Barbara Reynolds knows fully well that Rev. Wright has been a thorn in side of Senator Barack Obama with his now infamous "God Damn America" and "Chickens coming home to roost" soundbites circulating on national media outlets from ABC to CNN. And yes Barbara Reynolds is an African-American woman.

I find it difficult to comprehend African-American women (African-American men too) not supporting a Black man's valid quest for the Presidency considering the simular repressive and victorious history that Black men and women share in the United States. Following Jeremiah's National Press Club controversial speech along with the predicatable antics that the press covered most -- as we knew would be the case -- Senator Obama finally denounced Jeremiah Wright, claiming that "this is not the man he knew for during our near 20-year friendship." Senator Obama probably felt that Rev. Wright teamed up with Hillary to set him up a week before the last two big delegate primaries in Indiana and North Carolina. And the evidence is crystal clear that is the case considering that a staunch Hilary supporter Barbara Reynolds has DIRECT ties to the Hilary campaign. I will not insult Rev. Wright's intelligence. Wright knew that the Hilary campaign was behind his appearance. And Barbara also knew perfectly well that she was doing the Hillary campaign a favor by fanning the media flames with gasoline to spark up the negativity forest fire for the media to repetitively show voters more and more Rev. Wright in an effort to create campaigning problems for Senator Obama by keeping Obama on the defensive. Hillary frankly set the whole thing up in her consistent dirty efforts to -- as Ralph Nader stated of the Hillary campaign tactic -- "Take that Boy (Obama) Down."

Hilary will do nothing for you as President of the United States and has done nothing for the people of New York. For example the main topic of discussion recently in New York is the Sean Bell case. Hillary and her supporters refuse to speak about nor do anything about the injustice with the Sean Bell case. The Sean Bell case concerns New York policemen shotting and killing Bell and his three surviving bullet-ridden un-armed friends "fifty-one times". Thats' 51 rounds or 51 shots, whatever you wish to call it. On Friday April 25th in a New York courtroom the Judge acquitted the three NYPD policemen on trial that shot Bell and his friends of all charges. Again New York Senator Hillary remains silent on the issue and has no intention to request that Capitol Hill nor the Justice Department do anything about the judge's decision. If Hillary is silent about these four UN-ARMED men being shot 51-times by the NYPD then what about you? Can you trust Hillary to help you when she won't help grieving parents of a son executed by the NYPD for no reason? The Clinton legacy is more important to Hillary than the injustice in her very own state she swore to represent.

Hillary staging Rev. Wright's speaking engagement via granting Barbara Reynolds unspoken permission, one week before the last two big delegate States in Indiana and North Carolina is gutter politics at its absolute lowest. What do I mean by "Unspoken permission"? Attorney Hillary routinely pulls negative video clips or stops events misrepresenting the Hilary campaign. Hillary did just that this past Friday pulling a youtube.com link from the drudgereport.com, and the youtube.com clip as well. The video clip in question was of an advisor to Bill Clinton's Presidential campaign and Hillary's informal advisor named Mickey Kantor. Kantor was perceived to be swearing against Indianians. The Hilary campaign disagrees. Judge for yourself. The transcript of the clip from the documentary film "The War Room" also includes Bill Clinton staffers Democratic Strategist James Carville and now ABC talk show host George Steponopolous, and it goes as follows:

CARVILLE: Tied in Texas. It looks good. Now let's just say that. I like the text here.
GEORGE: Can you beep Wendy please? Looks pretty good. Looks pretty good.
MICKEY KANTOR: Look at Indiana. Wait, wait. Look at Indiana. Forty-two, forty. It doesn't matter if we win. Those people are sh-- (oh, excuse me)...

What people are sh-- ? That's the queston. I also have the video clip here from a link on HuffintonPost.com. The above transcript is at the 4:40 mark, part nine of the "War Room" documentary (We hope it is still there, link below pulled from huffingtonpost.com on 5-4-08): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_wKOgMNs0U

The paychecks for both Rev. Wright and Barbara Reynolds must have been nice. If Rev. Wright was a thoughtful supporter of Senator Obama's Presidency, then Rev. Wright would have declined Hillary campaign's offer to speak very publicly at the National Press Club. As an Obama supporter, Rev. Wright would have declined offers from any media outlet as his very appearance unobjectedly takes votes away from Senator Obama. Wright can explain his position on November 5th, which is that day after the general election. Now I am one that believes other forces should not dictate whether anyone, including Senator Obama, denounces a friend. But it is now obvious, considering that Rev. Wright was speaking at the National Press Club for Hillary Clinton, that Rev. Wright is no friend of Senator Obama.

Prior to Rev. Wright's National Press Club address, Senator Obama did everything he could do to make sure that Reverend Wright was not denounced by Obama. Unfortunately that was not good enough for Rev. Wright and apparently a huge Rev. Wright ego. Obama has every right to disagree with Rev. Wright sermons, which is everyone's right. Up to this point, disagreeing with two sermons was all that Obama publicly disagreed with Rev. Wright about. Rev. Wright may also consider not being invited to speak at Obama's Springfield, Illinois announcement to run for President. But that is it! The announcement was political and not a Church Picnic. These three instances seem quite trivial to me for the Rev. Wright to befriend Obama, placing Senator Obama heavily on the defensive for yet another few weeks -- especially the week before major primaries in Indiana and North Carolina.

What is also becoming more apparent to me is that the South Carolina primary campaign where Hilary and Bill made purposeful tactics to marginalize Senator Obama as a Black candidate for Black people only. In South Carolina Hilary made the statement that it was President Johnson that signed the civil rights bill, as if Dr. Martin Luther King strategy and the many sacrifices made the King lead civil rights movement had nothing to do with Johnson signing the bill. Secondly the Jesse Jackson comment ("Jesse won South Carolina too") and the fairy tale ("Obama's campaign is a fairy tale) comments by Bill Clinton are also pervasive amongst the media. The media -- inclusive of the Clinton News Network (CNN) and American Broadcasting Clintons (ABC) -- have heard that very public call and are spreading code words, not to vote for a Black man. Whether their scare tactics work remain to be seen. Reminds me of the refereeing favoring the Larry Bird-led Boston Celtics over Magic Johnson-led Los Angeles Lakers in the 1980's. Despite the unfavorable refereeing, the Lakers won anyway. Senator Obama should follow suit despite the entrapments by the Clinton inspired media and Hilary supporters.

In essense, we do not need to hear Rev. Wright's teachings put on by Hilary 'live' on the Clinton News Network (CNN) and then re-run, plus continued on Anderson Cooper's conflict driven program and his like-minded colleagues. Those of us in broadcasting understand that media consolidators fear Hillary and Bill. I am quite sure that media executives are constantly reminded by the Clintons that they are mega-wealthy and highly influencial today because Bill Clinton signed the Telecommunications Bill of 1996 allowing Wall Street Corporations to become the super-mega corporate media owners that they are now. News Reporters are commonly suspended, fired, and made to apologize, if these News Reporters say anything offensive to Hillary. And on top of that, Hilary is crab-barreling Obama in the most horrific ways imaginable. My concern for Senator Obama is what will Hillary and Bill do if the Clintons lose the Democratic Nomination to a Black man? I frankly put nothing past Hillary. Hillary will be the by-product if anything happens to Obama as Farrakhan was when Malcolm X was killed; or J. Edgar Hoover was when President Kennedy was assassinated; or President Lyndon Johnson was implicated when Dr. Martin Luther King was shot.

Hillary cannot stand the thought of African-American Candidate in Senator Obama. Hillary would rather team up with the enemy Republican candidate McCain than fellow Democrat Senator Barack "Barry" Obama. Today teaming up with McCain on a temporary gas tax issue, and before it was her and Bill's statement that "amongst the remaining candidates only Hillary and McCain are qualified for President." A Democrat and a Republican against a fellow Democrat sounds fishy. Fact: Senator Barack Obama has more elected experience than Hillary.

Here is another fact that you may or may not know or remember. As adults both Hilary and Bill supported Republican Arizona Governor Barry Goldwater ("Mr. Anti-Civil Rights Bill") and Arkansas "Segregationist" Senator J. William Fulbright respectively http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=33772760&postID=2404683840697956151. The Clintons made it absolutely clear then, and now it is even more clear, that voters cannot TRUST Hilary. Hillary is only doing what is best for Hillary, and that high in the sky 'wanna-be' Clinton legacy.

More below from NY Daily News reporter Errol Louis.

Written by NY Daily News columist Errol Louis
Is Jeremiah Wright a colossal disaster for Barack Obama or a press trick?
Tuesday, April 29th 2008, 4:00 AM

The Rev. Dr. Barbara Reynolds and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright at the National Press Club event Monday, which was organized by Reynolds.
The Rev. Jeremiah Wright couldn't have done more damage to Barack Obama's campaign if he had tried. And you have to wonder if that's just what one friend of Wright wanted.
Shortly before he rose to deliver his rambling, angry, sarcastic remarks at the National Press Club Monday, Wright sat next to, and chatted with, Barbara Reynolds.
A former editorial board member at USA Today, she runs something called Reynolds News Services and teaches ministry at the Howard University School of Divinity. (She is an ordained minister).
It also turns out that Reynolds - introduced Monday as a member of the National Press Club "who organized" the event - is an enthusiastic Hillary Clinton supporter.
On a blog linked to her Web site- www.reynoldsnews.com- Reynolds said in a February post: "My vote for Hillary in the Maryland primary was my way of saying thank you" to Clinton and her husband for the successes of Bill Clinton's presidency.
The same post criticized Obama's "Audacity of Hope" theme: "Hope by definition is not based on facts," wrote Reynolds. It is an emotional expectation. Things hoped for may or may not come. But help based on experience trumps hope every time."
In another blog entry, Reynolds gives an ever-sharper critique of Obama: "It is a sad testimony that to protect his credentials as a unifier above the fray, the senator is fueling the media characterization that Rev. Dr. Wright is some retiring old uncle in the church basement."
I don't know if Reynolds' eagerness to help Wright stage a disastrous news conference with the national media was a way of trying to help Clinton - my queries to Reynolds by phone and e-mail weren't returned yesterday - but it's safe to say she didn't see any conflict between promoting Wright and supporting Clinton.
It's hard to exaggerate how bad the actual news conference was. Wright, steeped in an honorable, fiery tradition of Bible-based social criticism, cheapened his arguments and his movement by mugging for the cameras, rolling his eyes, heaping scorn on his critics and acting as if nobody in the room was learned enough to ask him a question.
Wright has, unquestionably, been caricatured and vilified unfairly. The feeding programs, prison outreach and other social services he has built over more than 30 years are commendable, and his reading of the Judeo-Christian tradition as an epic story of people trying to escape slavery is far more right than wrong - and not something to be caricatured or compressed into a 10-second sound bite.
But Wright should have known - and his friend and ally Reynolds, a media professional, surely knew - that bickering with the press can only harm Wright and, by extension, Obama.
I hope that wasn't their goal.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems to me that if the American people were to vote according race or gender it would be interesting to see if they were to vote according to international relations. Think about it. Americans still have to negotiate with a Muslim led middle east. How would a woman be able to do that. Based on the the Muslim countries laws regarding women why would we send patrionizing Hillary over there. Could you imagine her in her tone of voice talking down to the male leaders of the middle east. Can you say "we're just asking for an ass beating"? In the book, 21 Laws of Leadership, it talks about what makes a good leader. One of the main characteristers is "influence". Obama has the great ability of finesse and influence, influence that I believe would help ease the international community of its conflicts. It is with his ease of speech and his ability to make people see how silly it is to be in conflict with eachother that makes him such a great contender for the presidency. No one wants to be dictated to. And no Muslim country is going to take that dictation lightly especially from a woman. People are people, whether in the U.S. or overseas. Obama will delve into the deeper needs of people both in the U.S. and oversees. This is needed to prevent war. In the book The Art of War, it is not the warrior with the biggest guns that is the better warrior, but the one who is skilled at the preventing war. That is the one considered a real warrior and his influence, the real leader. Make history or secure our future, that is the decision we have to make.

5/05/2008 01:06:00 pm  

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