African-American Politicians supporting Hillary...Are you kidding me?
Wait until the US Postal Workers get a hold of this!
*BREAKING NEWS: 02/04/08 CNN National Poll: OBAMA 49% Hilary 46%
USA Today/Gallup poll conducted Jan. 30-Feb. 2: Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in a statistical tie for the Democratic presidential nomination, with Clinton preferred by 45% of Democrats nationally and Obama by 44%. Obama was eleven points behind 10 days ago.
**Recently Senator Obama's grassroots campaign has reached the 500-thousand contributers plateau.***HELLO!! Get OFF your BUTT and VOTE!
Prominent African-American Politicians are supporting Hilary Clinton instead of Barack Obama. These elected officials represent African-American voters in these areas: Harlem NY., Houston TX., Oakland CA., South Central LA/Inglood CA., Atlanta GA., Philadelphia PA., Prince Georges County MD., Detroit MI., N Miami, Fl., Cleveland, Oh., and Baltimore MD.
Here is the list of Hilary's Black elected official supporters are:
01. Texas Representative Sheila Jackson Lee
02. California Congresswoman Maxine Waters
03. Former UN Ambassador and Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young
**04. Georgia Congressman John Lewis
05 Mayor of Oakland and former Congressman Ron Dullems
06. Maryland Lt. Governor Anthony Brown
07. Former Congressman and Lt. Governor of California Mervyn Dymally
08. Philadelphia Mayor John Street
09. Former New York City Mayor David Dinkins
10. New York Congressman Charlie Rangel
11. New York Congressman Adolphus Towns
12. ****Prince Georges County (Md.) Executive Jack Johnson
13. California Congresswoman Diane Watson
14. California Congresswoman Laura Richardson
15. Florida Congressman Kendrick Meeks
16. Florida Congressman Alcee Hastings
17. Florida Congresswoman Corinne Brown
18. Missouri Congressman Emanuel Cleaver
19. New York Congressman Gregory Meeks
20. New York Congresswoman Yvette Clarke
21. New York Congressman Edolphus Towns
22. Virgin Islands Delegate Donna Christensen
*23. Georgia Congressman David Scott
24. Ohio Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones
***25. New Jersey Congressman Donald Payne
Also Bob and Magic Johnson, and Earl Ofari Hutchinson.----------------------------------------------------------
*Georgia Congressman David Scott change his allegiance from Hilary to Senator Barack Obama February 13th to coincide with the voting will of the people from his district, whom voted overwhelmingly for Senator Barack Obama. Scott states: "You've got to represent the wishes of your constituency," Scott said in an interview Wednesday February 13th in the Capitol. "My proper position would be to vote the wishes of my constituents." The third-term lawmaker represents a district (suburban Atlanta) that gave more than 80 percent of its vote to Obama in the Feb. 5 Georgia primary. [Source: 2/14/2008 Associated Press article "Black Lawmakers Rethink Clinton Support"]
**Georgia Congressman John Lewis changes endorsement from Hilary to Senator Obama WASHINGTON (AP) - Civil rights leader John Lewis has dropped his support for Hilary's presidential bid in favor of Senator Barack Obama, according to a newspaper report Wednesday (2-27-08). Lewis, a Democratic Congressman from Atlanta, is the most prominent black leader to defect from Clinton's campaign in the face of near-majority black support for Obama in recent voting. He also is a superdelegate who gets a vote at this summer's national convention in Denver. "In a written statement, Lewis said Obama's campaign "represents the beginning of a new movement in American political history" and that he wants "to be on the side of the people. After taking some time for serious reflection on this issue, I have decided that when I cast my vote as a superdelegate at the Democratic convention, it is my duty ... to express the will of the people." Hilary Clinton said: "I understand he's been under tremendous pressure. He's been my friend. He will always be my friend. At the end of the day it's not about who is supporting us, it's about what we're presenting, what our positions are, what our experiences and qualifications are and I think that voters are going to decide." But Lewis came under intense pressure to get behind Obama after his constituents supported the Illinois senator roughly 3-to-1 in Georgia's Feb. 5 primary, and about 90 percent of black voters statewide voted for Obama, according to exit polls. It also comes a week after the young Rev. Markel Hutchins, a young Atlanta minister, announced he would challenge Lewis in the Democratic congressional primary this summer. Hutchins, 30, has seized on Lewis' waffling in the presidential contest as evidence that the 68-year-old congressman is out of touch.
"Today's announcement by Representative Lewis was clearly prompted by political expediency," Hutchins said Wednesday. "It is time for a change. It is time to send somebody to Congress who is actually willing to represent the district."

Friday May 09, 2008, 12:05 AM
Rep. Donald Payne (D-10th Dist.), a New Jersey superdelegate who had been supporting Hillary Clinton for president, has switched his allegiance to Barack Obama.
"After careful consideration, I have reached the conclusion that Barack Obama can best bring about the change that our country so desperately wants and needs," Payne told The Star-Ledger for today's editions. It was "one of the most difficult decisions I have made," Payne said. "I've really been mulling it over for quite a while."
With Payne's switch Obama has the backing of five of New Jersey's 20 superdelegates. Clinton has 11, including Gov. Jon Corzine; three are uncommitted and one who has backed Clinton is wavering.
By announcing his support for Obama now, Payne said he hopes to help unite the party so it can focus on defeating Sen. John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, in November.
"At this particular time we need to really unite behind one candidate," Payne said. "It's time now for us to pull our party together. The quicker it's over, the better we'll be able to bring all of our forces together."
Payne said he endorsed Clinton "early on," at a time when he did not know whether Obama's candidacy "was just a trial balloon." As Obama secured one victory after another, "I did certainly have a great deal of pride in the fact that an African-American would do so well," said Payne, who is African-American.
Payne called Clinton "a good friend" whom he holds "in high regard." He said he had "worked closely" with both Hillary Clinton and President Clinton, "especially with international activities in Africa and Haiti." He said Hillary Clinton "ran a very aggressive campaign" but he did not blame her -- as some have -- for injecting race into the campaign.

"I cannot in good conscience go to the convention and not support Barack," Johnson said in an interview. "She ran a great campaign, but she fell short of the line." Like Georgia Congressman John Lewis, Jack Johnson has a strong competitor for his County Executive seat. Young, spirited competitor Rushern L. Baker III "almost" won the last P.G. County Executive election. Baker's good showing is strong incentive that Baker will run in the very next election.
The majority of the elected officials made their endorsement decisions prior to the first Caucus and Primary. Hilary Clinton was the favorite by Pollsters and the Media. Every one thought there was no contest, and no need for these primary and caucus games. It is normal too for African-American politicians to endorse a candidate with the best chance of winning. Most view it by the common phrase of "not wasting their vote." Hilary was a shue in and to win by a landslide. The Hilary campaign speechwriters wrote the acceptance speech long ago and ready to roll with the speech at 8:01pm pst on Super Tuesday February 5th, 2008. That speech file has now been deleted.
Another explanation why the elder generation African-American Elected officials are not supporting Senator Obama can be summed up by one example into a simular scenario in United States political history. Harry Truman said of a young 40-something Senator John Kennedy in 1960, that he should "be patient and wait until you are more mature and gain a bit more experience." Kennedy responded two days later: "the voters will decide and I am ready". Bold and John's bravado worked in getting elected to the President of the United States winning by one voter per precinct nationally.
The 35 to 55 age group have grown up and learned many valuable lessons from our formal African-American elder statesmen. We have learned from elected officials campaigns, Civil Rights leaders, and from working (volunteering) with the NAACP or Urban League and so on. The experiences was well worth it.
The next statement I believe sums up today's scenario for the majority of African-Americans here in the United States. While there have been many victories, the infrastructure defeats have been catistrophic. The losses have weakened and obliterated the African-American communities. Today far too many of the youngest generation are ill prepared to face the daunting task of skillfully and educatonally compete anywhere. The complacent elder Black Political leaders have been unable -- for some reason -- to provide their dominant Black voter base with the essentials:
1. Safety
2. Comparable Educational Resources
3. Economic Opportunities
4. "Fair Chance" legislation to work in a ceiling-less Corporate environment
5. Clean neighborhoodsAfrican-Americans cannot be marginalized and ignored when it comes to quality of life issues. We want a nice environment to live in and our kids to have a well-resourced, challenging, structured, and caring school environment. Without a basic high school educaton preple, safe community, and subsequent socio-economic security, you'll then a predictable state of desperation in the neighborhood.
The results: High crime.
However with the essentials of education, safe environment, and employment opportunities, crime reduces significantly. A solid infrastructure is necessary for eveyone. I have heard far too often that infrastructure and policy making accomplishments, with far less accessibility in the 50's and 60's, versus today with more resouces and thousands more African-American elected officials. Many think that Dr. King was killed for having that Policy making power. It shows how powerful King really was, more powerful than thousands holding office today with incresingly more technology at their disposal. That's unexceptable and inexcusable.
Princeton Professor Mellisa Harris-Lacewell (pictured above) chimes in on the Clinton Fallacy... ...and the lack of roles for Black Women in the Feminist movement
Politically, Senator Obama is having an impressive run at the Presidency. Obama's mass appeal and a strong case for winning the nomination and subsequent presidency is uplifting for the upcoming generation of African-American. For over a decade only the entertainment leaders have been the publicized role models. The positive role model that Obama for the younger generation especially, is why I am so baffled that heritage African-American elected officials support Hilary.
However the Ted Kennedy endorsement of Obama was a huge boost for the Obama campaign. The Kennedys' are still the legacied Democratic family that Hilary and Bill are attempting to become.
Ted Kennedy working actively on the Obama campaign wrote in his first emailed letter: "I'm doing everything I can to elect Barack Obama. With less than a week before my state and 21 others make their voices heard, there is no time to lose." Like my son Patrick and my niece Caroline, I have found a new generation of leadership for America in Barack Obama -- and I hope you have too!"
Senator Edward M. Kennedy
BREAKING NEWS: Ethel Kennedy, Shirver, Dinero, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar endorses Senator BARACK OBAMA.
The wife of the late Robert Kennedy, Ethel Kennedy endorses Obama: “Barack is so like Bobby, who struggled for the rights of the poor in the Mississippi Delta and Appalachia, traveled to California to stand in solidarity with Cesar Chavez and farm workers, and fought to end another war that cost so many lives." I am sure she remembers that Hilary supported Republican Barry Goldwater durng Bobby Kennedy's day.
Lastly, women, leave Oprah Winfrey alone. Oprah has received direct criticism from Women's organizations and from the women on the TV show 'The View". For some reason that I do not understand, these women are insulted that Oprah Winfrey choose Senator Obama over Hilary. The womens' groups say "how dare Oprah choose her race over her gender". That is insulting to a woman of Oprahs' stature. Marian Anderson, Harriet Tubman, Fannie Lou Hamer, Sojouner Truth, Pearl Bailey, Moms Mabley, and Rosa Parks (Parks would have been 95 today) have literally just turned over three times in their graves after hearing that one.
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