Senator Obama's campaign POSITIVE, Hillary's NEGATIVE
The negative attacks by Hilary accusing Barack Obama of plagiarism are just a few of many blunders by the Clinton campaign. The Clinton environment spreads like Texas tumble week as another Hilary supporter joined in to attack Senator Obama. The Texas machinist union supporter Tom Buggerhiem introduced Hilary at a Clinton rally in Texas. Tom referred to Senator Obama as "a silver-tongue, who loves the microphone". Days later Hilary surfaced following a debate by belittled Senator Obama like an Arkansas segregationist to a Black Man in the 1960's. These numberous remarks came within a 90-second time frame. Hilary barked:
1. "Shame on you Barack Obama"...
2. "Democrats should be outraged at you Obama"...
3. "That is what I expect from you Obama...
4. "Let's have a debete on your "behavior" in this campaign"
Sounds like a deeply scorned ex-girlfriend. Hilary must have spoken to my ex-'three-nighter' sourpuss. I thought that woman was a Republican. never know who Hilary will take advice from these days.
Now Hilary is fear-mongering with nuclear bomb commercials. A worried Mom and small kids sleeping in a starry night. What desperation. That Ohio audience booing at the last debate as Hilary attacked respectable but probing NBC journalists Tim Russert and Brian Williams. Predictably Tim and Brian let Hilary have it after the now infamous "always being first" sassy reply from lady C.
Mrs. Clinton is frantically suffering and moreso stunned that she was not crowned President without a Democratic challenge. Hilary has never had competition for her two US Senatorial campaigns in New York. All of the campaign stunts pulled by the Clintons have failed including attempts to turn the race into a Black and White contest during the South Carolina primary. Discussing prominent issues about the Iraq War, education, health care, and NAFTA were not to be discussed until the general election against the Republican nominee. Being outshined by an informed and well-resourced Harvard graduate was not in the cards. Spend 50 million and then off to face a disgruntled Republican party, not run out of money and behind in the delegate count past Super-Duper Tuesday.
Hilary should have conceded by now, but like the currently unsuccessful Clintons' campaign of 2008 they do not see the writing on the wall. Leave now gracefully before the coming landslides. By staying in the race supporters of the Hilary campaign face a posible detroning of their own election. The Congressional Black Caucus members that support Hilary will continue to be questioned about their loyalty to the district voters that voted for Senator Obama. Prominent colleagues like Jesse Jackson and John Conyers have now publically questioned the CBC members lack of support for the subsequent first Black President of the United States. Tavis Smiley had to silence the comment that he made by his threatening to call out Obama for refusing his invitation to his "2008 State of the Black Union". African-American Journalist and Politicians had to remind Tavis Smiley of the magnatude of the time, despite Tavis's support of Hilary Clinton. Tavis respectfully conceded his negatism, and Hilary so should you by conceding. The Clintons after all are not the Kennedys nor the Roosevelts. And Stephanie Tubbs Jones from the Cleveland, please stop the Obama bickering. Obama is an American and fully qualified for the Presidency. Your statements Miss Tubbs Jones that Kenya is his Obama's home land was cleverily worded in response to Obama wearing Kenyan clothes while in Kenya. Clever to state Miss Jones, that Hilary is an American and Obama is not. Please do not insult the voters intelligence Tubby. Like it or not Mr. Jones, we got a thing going on, and it's called the Presidency.
For a list of those Hilary supporters, check my February 2nd blog. Feel free to call these Congressional Representatives and ask about the state of their districts.
Please read and view the many speeches within the Education section of Senator Obama's website: Senator Obama's has solid proposals to immulate Dr. Geoffrey Canada's "Harlem Children Zone" across the country in 20 pre-selected under-resourced areas. Oprah school for girls in South Africa is based on Dr. Canada's program. I urge parents to go to these links NOW.
Senator Obama has vision and courage to speak of a flawed system and do something about it. He took no money from these greedy lobbyist and special interest groups and is therefore not bound to grant them any more favors.
Below is an email letter sent to me by the Obama for America campaign written by Senator Barack Obama, following another dominating performance in the Wisconsin primary:

Kirk --
Today, the people of Wisconsin voted overwhelmingly in favor of a new kind of politics.
They rejected an onslaught of negative attacks and attempts to distract them from the common concerns we all have about the direction of our country.
No doubt we'll hear much more of these attacks and distractions in the days to come.
But the noise of these tired, old political games will not drown out the voices of millions calling for change.
Now is the time to join us -- add your voice to our movement by making your first donation right now. By giving through our matching program, your donation will be doubled by a previous donor who has promised to match your gift.
We are very close to reaching our goal of 500,000 people giving to this campaign in 2008. Help push us over the top by making a matched donation right now:
We won't know until late tonight the results of today's Hawaii caucus, but we'll let you know how that turns out tomorrow.
If we win in Hawaii, it will be ten straight victories -- a streak no one thought possible, and the best position we can be in when Ohio, Texas, Rhode Island, and Vermont vote on March 4th.
Thank you for making this possible,
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