Did Clinton advisor Mickey Kantor call Indianians SH@#?

The question debated since Friday May 2nd, 2008 is this: Did Clinton's advisor Mickey Kantor (pictured above) call the people of Indiana "Sh@#"? The Clinton camp disagrees that Mickey Kantor was referring to Indianians in his 'moment of swearing' in the documentary "The War Room". The documentary takes a look inside the Bill Clinton 1992 campaign. The exact video clip is shown in part nine of the "War Room" that anyone can order and see for themselves. It is a very interesting and historic documentary. The Mickey Kantor clip was set on election day 1992, when Bill Clinton ran against George Bush 1. The link to the clip is below.
Before I get to the below Mickey Kantor link, a funny thing happened on Friday when the video clip was discovered. We, at the Syndication One News/Talk network, broadcast to our listeners -- on Friday between 10a-1p edt -- where they can go to view the released Mickey Kantor video clip. We did this on one of our talk shows -- the Warren Ballentine show, host by Attorney Warren Ballentine (the fastest growing talk show in the free world) which airs from 10a-1p daily on thetruthfighters.com; syndicated on several radio stations nationally; and also aired on XM Channel 169. Warren directed our truthfighters to go to the Drudgereport.com website and view the Mickey Kantor segment from "The War Room" documentary. I was told that Ballentine first announced the drudgereport.com article and video link to the listeners a little over an hour into his program, at about 11:10am edt that Friday. Warren's loyal listeners then discussed what they witnessed and thought about the video link. The drudgereport.com linked the comments that were taken from the "The War Room". The comments in question were made by Clinton advisor Mickey Kantor. Drudgereport.com's Kantor comments came from a youtube.com link.
Before I get to the below Mickey Kantor link, a funny thing happened on Friday when the video clip was discovered. We, at the Syndication One News/Talk network, broadcast to our listeners -- on Friday between 10a-1p edt -- where they can go to view the released Mickey Kantor video clip. We did this on one of our talk shows -- the Warren Ballentine show, host by Attorney Warren Ballentine (the fastest growing talk show in the free world) which airs from 10a-1p daily on thetruthfighters.com; syndicated on several radio stations nationally; and also aired on XM Channel 169. Warren directed our truthfighters to go to the Drudgereport.com website and view the Mickey Kantor segment from "The War Room" documentary. I was told that Ballentine first announced the drudgereport.com article and video link to the listeners a little over an hour into his program, at about 11:10am edt that Friday. Warren's loyal listeners then discussed what they witnessed and thought about the video link. The drudgereport.com linked the comments that were taken from the "The War Room". The comments in question were made by Clinton advisor Mickey Kantor. Drudgereport.com's Kantor comments came from a youtube.com link.
Throughout Warren's show Friday May 2nd, 2008, after Warrens' first 11:10am edt announcement, Attorney Ballentine gave out the drudgereport.com site several times more while discussing the clip with the truthfighters. The very last announcement by Attorney Ballentine of the drudgereport.com link to Mickey Kantor video clip was near the end of Ballentines' show at roughly 12:55pm edt. Remember this scenario, that we at Syn1 News-Talk Network are all journalists, news gatherers, basic information geeks, enthusiast to breaking news, and also heavily involved into this historic 2008 Presidential campaign. Serious information gatherers, to the point where we are all going down to Denver for the 2008 Democratic Convention, to boldly crash a convention like no African-American News/Talk operation has ever crashed a convention before, upstaging any competitor worldwide. I guarantee (if we get the money to go :o)) that we will go down in history with our reports, video footage (if we get the money to do that :o)). Anyway, the point is that buzz in both Syn1's control room and the news room during this Friday May 2nd talk show was at an extremely high level. That is normal in broadcast journalist environments when controversial information comes our way. We watched the clip several times, and we too at Syn1 main headquarters in Washington DC, wondered who the hell was Mickey Kantor referring to when he stated that "these people are sh@#" comment? Was Kantor referring to Indianians? Mind you that the Indiana primary is on Tuesday May 6th, 2008 in a closely contested political battle between Hilary Clinton and Senator Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination to compete with the Republican candidate John McCain for the President of the United States in November 2008. The Kantor issue was fresh and controversial.
But then at 12:55pm, Friday May 2nd, a funny thing happened during Attorney Ballentine's last announcement guiding listeners toward the drudgereport.com website. All of a sudden the questionalble Mickey Kantor video clip from the drudgereport.com link was inoperable. Inoperable? News folks know that this type of sh@# happens all the time, and we first saved the direct youtube.com link on several email accounts sent from the news room. But then, folks in blogmeeting room, shortly after our newscaster interviewed a Clinton representative from Indiana to clarify the Mickey Kantor video clip, we click on the saved Mickey Kantor video clip from the documentary "the War Room" on that youtube.com link. Well people in our valued blogmeeting room, guess what happen? The youtube.com video clip from the controversial Mickey Kantor scene in the "The War Room" documentary was extinquished, pulled, lifted, removed, destroyed!! The removal of the video clip from youtube.com was taken away at roughly the same time that the drudgereport.com link became inoperable. What happened? Did attorneys from the Clinton camp make a call to the webmasters from these two sites? Who knows? We just know that the highly viewed Mickey Kantor clip was no longer there. Could it be that the Clintons monitor Attorney Warren Ballentine's show? We had to alert Warren after several attempts from many computers. At 12:56pm on Friday May 2nd, 2008, behind the on-air radio scene, both the tech producer and I informed Warren that the clips and links were removed. Warren then informed the truthfighters that the "Mickey Kantor" video clip from the documentary "The War Room" had just been removed from both websites.
Specifically, the video clip in question was of the advisor to Bill Clinton's Presidential campaign -- and Hillary's informal advisor -- Mickey Kantor "perceived" to be swearing against all Indianians. The Clintons though disagree. Well you can now judge for yourself on the powerpoint video presentation in our blogmeeting conference room. The transcript of the clip from the documentary film "The War Room" includes two other staffers from the "Bill Clinton for President" campaign, Democratic Strategist James Carville (with the black glove on), and George Stephanopolous -- who is currently host of a Sunday morning politically based TV talk show and moderator of the last questionable debate in Philadelphia between Hillary and Senator Obama. The transcript within the documentary "The War Room" goes as follows:
CARVILLE: Tied in Texas. It looks good. Now let's just say that. I like the text here.
GEORGE: Can you beep Wendy please? Looks pretty good. Looks pretty good.
MICKEY KANTOR: Look at Indiana. Wait, wait. Look at Indiana. Forty-two, forty. It doesn't matter if we win. Those people are sh@# (oh, excuse me)...
What "people are SH@#" that Kantor refers is the question? I have the video clip right here and right now, from a video link for another website. The video link comes from a popular site of journalist columns and blogs called HuffingtonPost.com. The above transcript from "The War Room" comes to us at about the 4-minute 47-second mark of the below link. The video clip illustrates in full, part nine of the "War Room" documentary (We hope it is still there when you click the link below from huffingtonpost.com Sunday afternoon 5-4-2008). Click link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_wKOgMNs0U
But then at 12:55pm, Friday May 2nd, a funny thing happened during Attorney Ballentine's last announcement guiding listeners toward the drudgereport.com website. All of a sudden the questionalble Mickey Kantor video clip from the drudgereport.com link was inoperable. Inoperable? News folks know that this type of sh@# happens all the time, and we first saved the direct youtube.com link on several email accounts sent from the news room. But then, folks in blogmeeting room, shortly after our newscaster interviewed a Clinton representative from Indiana to clarify the Mickey Kantor video clip, we click on the saved Mickey Kantor video clip from the documentary "the War Room" on that youtube.com link. Well people in our valued blogmeeting room, guess what happen? The youtube.com video clip from the controversial Mickey Kantor scene in the "The War Room" documentary was extinquished, pulled, lifted, removed, destroyed!! The removal of the video clip from youtube.com was taken away at roughly the same time that the drudgereport.com link became inoperable. What happened? Did attorneys from the Clinton camp make a call to the webmasters from these two sites? Who knows? We just know that the highly viewed Mickey Kantor clip was no longer there. Could it be that the Clintons monitor Attorney Warren Ballentine's show? We had to alert Warren after several attempts from many computers. At 12:56pm on Friday May 2nd, 2008, behind the on-air radio scene, both the tech producer and I informed Warren that the clips and links were removed. Warren then informed the truthfighters that the "Mickey Kantor" video clip from the documentary "The War Room" had just been removed from both websites.
Specifically, the video clip in question was of the advisor to Bill Clinton's Presidential campaign -- and Hillary's informal advisor -- Mickey Kantor "perceived" to be swearing against all Indianians. The Clintons though disagree. Well you can now judge for yourself on the powerpoint video presentation in our blogmeeting conference room. The transcript of the clip from the documentary film "The War Room" includes two other staffers from the "Bill Clinton for President" campaign, Democratic Strategist James Carville (with the black glove on), and George Stephanopolous -- who is currently host of a Sunday morning politically based TV talk show and moderator of the last questionable debate in Philadelphia between Hillary and Senator Obama. The transcript within the documentary "The War Room" goes as follows:
CARVILLE: Tied in Texas. It looks good. Now let's just say that. I like the text here.
GEORGE: Can you beep Wendy please? Looks pretty good. Looks pretty good.
MICKEY KANTOR: Look at Indiana. Wait, wait. Look at Indiana. Forty-two, forty. It doesn't matter if we win. Those people are sh@# (oh, excuse me)...
What "people are SH@#" that Kantor refers is the question? I have the video clip right here and right now, from a video link for another website. The video link comes from a popular site of journalist columns and blogs called HuffingtonPost.com. The above transcript from "The War Room" comes to us at about the 4-minute 47-second mark of the below link. The video clip illustrates in full, part nine of the "War Room" documentary (We hope it is still there when you click the link below from huffingtonpost.com Sunday afternoon 5-4-2008). Click link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_wKOgMNs0U
Also "This Just In", two-time Oscar winning Actor Tom Hanks endorses Senator Barack Obama:
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