
Florida-Michigan Total: Hillary 86.5 Obama 68.5

Contentious Hillary Clinton supporters BOO'ed and HECKLED the DNC's Rules and By-Laws Committee's decision for the few delegates awarded Hillary for the Florida and Michigan rimaries. The hearing was held throughout Saturday 5-31-08 at the Marriott Wardman Hotel in Washington DC, with Hillary contesting the "original" zero delegates that the DNC Rules and By-Laws Committee punished both Florida and Michigan for moving their respective Primaries ahead of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Neveda. The DNC Rules and By-Laws committed had designated these four States to kick off the Democratic Presidential Primary Season. At the hearing, were representatives from both Michigan and Florida along with Senator Barack Obama's and Hillary's representatives from both States stating their 'delegate-count' cases. Following six hours of hearing all statements and subsequent questions -- from mostly partisan Hillary supporters -- from the DNC Rules and By-Laws Committee they adjourned for a prolonged lunch and rumored arguments, as the lunch took close to three hours. Once the DNC rules committee returned, within an hour decisions were made for both Michigan and Florida.

In summation, the decision was to award 'half' of the delegate count in Mich-FL http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080601/ap_on_el_pr/primary_scramble

In Florida, Hillary was awarded fifty-two delegates and Senator Obama thirty-three delegates, with John Edwards receiving six delegates. Edwards is expected to turn his six delegates over to Senator Obama. Senator Obama will then have thirty-nine total delegates from Florida. The deal passed 19-8. The 19 to 8 decision followed a Nah decision on awarding all of the Florida delegates 15 to 12, which did not hold well for the Hillary supporters in the audience that chanted "Denver" after the Nah decision meaning that the decision will be challenged to the Credential Committee at the Democratic Convention in Denver August 25 - 28th. Final decision though means that Hilary gains thirteen delegates in Florida.

In Michigan, Hillary was awarded 34.5 delegates while Senator Obama was awarded 29.5 delegates. Hillary gains five delegates in Michigan.

The final tally (may not be final as 'the Clintons' adviser Harold Ickes threatened to appeal to the Credentials Committee) for Michigan and Florida:

Hillary ------------ 86.6 Delegates

Senator Obama --- 68.5 Delegates

An 18-delegate gain (24 delegate gain today as Edwards has 6 delegates that he is expected to fork over to Obama) for Hillary in both Florida and Michigan.

All this raucous over 18 (or 24) delegates!!!

Below is a list of the DNC Rules and By-Laws committee and their candidate affiliation:

Key players at 5-31-08 DNC Rules and By-Laws Hearing:

DNC Chair: Howard Dean (VT - Great Opening Statement)

Representing Obama in Florida: Congressman Robert Wexler (highly charged presentation pushed for fifty percent of the Florida delegates counted).

Representing the State of Michigan: Senator Carl Levin (presented the State's compromise: Clinton 34.5 delegates: Obama 29.5 delegates)

DNC Rules and By-Laws Chairs:
Co-Chair Alexis Herman (uncommitted -- banged the hammer OFTEN),
Co-Chair James Roosevelt Jr. (uncommitted - F.D.R.'s family member)

DNC Rules Committee members:
Harold Ickes (Clinton - threatened to take the decision to the Credentials Committee: "Mrs. Clinton has told me to reserve her right to take this to the Credentials Committee at the convention" said Ickes);
Donald Fowler (Clinton - stated he "would vote for resolution" despite Ickes protest);
Donna Brazille (Uncommitted - Strongest on DNC rules),
Ben Johnson (DC-Clinton),
Alice Huffman(CA-Clinton),
Everett Ward (NC-Obama -- countered Harold Ickes contention),
Hartina Flournay (DC - Clinton adviser, frequently spoke on Clintons behalf),
Janice Griffin (MD - Obama)


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