
Hillary Insults Voters & Super-Delegates

Hilary supporters sends a surge of emails threatening Super-Delegates (link below)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lklfIPBK4Zg Senator Obama's large delegate lead just about closes the deal. Now that it is apparent that Obama will win the Democratic nomination, the Democratic Party fears that Hillary will divide the Party come August in Denver at the Democratic Convention simular to the 1968 and 1980 Democratic Conventions. Political analyst and Democratic Party leaders think it's best to give Obama more time to heal party wounds by August due to a competitive Primary season. Echoes from Hilary supporters threaten not to support Senator Obama and support McCain, if Hilary loses. Recently, a surge of emails from Hillary supporters flooded Super-Delegates email addresses with ultimatums to cast their vote for Hilary or else they defect to the Republican Party, casting their vote for McCain.
High-Level Democrats are requesting that Hillary drop out sooner than later in order to unite the party. The delegate numbers for the Democratic nomination are in Senator Obama's favor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdzCxvbe5Hg. However, Hilary marches on to West Virginia and the remaining primaries speaking divisive about her 'electability', claiming that Obama is not electable against Republicans. Hilary does not take into account that most of 'the voters' cast their vote for Obama over her. The voters decided that Hilary is not the former President Bill Clinton. Ted Kennedy too found out voters felt Teddy is neither Robert nor John Kennedy, during the 1980 Presidential campaign. Ted lost the Democratic nomination to Jimmy Carter. But Teddy boldly divided the party by not shaking Jimmy Carter's hand on the podium at the 1980 Democratic Convention, which made way for top-down Reagonomics.
Senator Obama has more experience 'winning' his own competitive elected office campaigns, and also experience in losing a Congressional election campaign. Hilary was broad-sided with an unparalleled grassroots, web-based fund-raising campaign that Hillary could not match. It takes big money to be President and Obama tripled Hillary's output. Senator Obama has nearly 2-million contributors that are still contributing to his campaign. Obama outsmarted her and better managed his money and grassroots strategy. She may have focused on too many Jack Daniels whiskey shots.
Democratic Strategist Donna Brazille -- "We need to not divide and polarize the Democratic Party..."
NY Times columist Bob Herbert, sarcastically wrote this in his latest column: "He can't win! Don't you understand? He's black! He's black! The Clintons have been trying to embed that gruesomely destructive message in the brains of white voters and superdelegates for the longest time. It's a grotesque insult to African Americans, who've given so much support to both Bill and Hillary over the years.
New York Congressman Charlie Rangel -- Clinton supporter -- said that Hilary's statement was "the dumbest thing she could have said" and "very poorly worded".
Mayor Willie Brown, San Francisco, said that "Hillary's saying that white Americans are hardworking Americans. A lot of African-Americans took great offense at that."
Donna, Bob, Charlie, and Willie are responding to Hillary's calculated statements to woooo white voters over to her side, seemingly dividing the party on racial lines. In the USA Today, Hillary said the day after the Indiana and North Carolina primaries: "I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on. Sen. Obama's support among working,,, hard-working Americans,,, white Americans,,, is weakening again, and how whites in both states (North Carolina and Indiana) who had not completed college were supporting me."
'Hard-working Americans, white Americans?' Wow!
Another Hilary African-American supporter, columnist and author Earl Ofari Huthinson, somehow acknowledges that there may be "some truth to Hilary's statement." Hutchinson chimed in on Hillary's statement in recent Hutchinson's blog in Huffingtonpost.com http://www.huffingtonpost.com/earl-ofari-hutchinson/hillary-said-it-wrong-but_b_101119.html with a challenge for Obama: "Hillary said it wrong, but got it RIGHT about the hard working, white Americans that back her and not Obama. The SUPREME test for Obama is to prove that Hillary said it wrong and got it wrong. The West Virginia primary is yet another litmus test to see if he can." Following the Ofari blog comments were made. Repub4Obama replied to Ofari's blog: "I don't buy it. I think that Hillary said what she thinks privately: that all blacks, hispanics and asians are lazy and can't work hard. She may say differently in public most of the time, but I really think she's finally told us how she feels. Her comment would have been a gaffe or mis-speak, but she repeated the 'white' comment in her NEXT SENTENCE! This second sentence was not a clarification, it was an AFFIRMATION of the first."
I STRONGLY disagree with Earl and his "litmus test for Obama" spin about the upcoming West Virginia primary. We all know -- and Obama already stated -- that West Virginia and Kentucky will be won in grand fashion by Hilary. Obama is not campaigning heavily in West Virginia, if at all.
Secondly, there is no "SUPREME test" for Obama to prove Hillary wrong. Senator Obama has already passed the "supreme test" defeating Hilary in ALL her "limited" demographics in many of the primaries and caucuses -- especially in the high delegate Mid-Atlantic region where Obama captured all of Hilary's stronghold demos. Obama even won the delegate count in Texas. Some reporters just overly-support Hillary with their lavish hope-to-be obsolete "attack the opponent" persuasive statements with their own readership at stake. Funny :o).
A bit of history: 'Working-class whites' did not vote in the majority for Bill Clinton (twice), John Kerry, Al Gore, nor Michael Dukakis against Republican opponents during their general Presidential election. I assume the same will occur this coming election, if Hilary Clinton is the nominee against the Republicans in November 2008. However, Senator Obama has a monumental chance to buck the tradition if and when the Illinois Senator is the Democratic nominee. Obama's policies provide economic tax relief on behalf of that same working class (all races), with four thousand dollars granted to 'working class' kids to go to college in exchange for public service. Just a few benefits for 'working class Americans' under an Obama Presidency. Hillary has nothing of the sort. Working class people, you need to open your ears and eyes to what Obama proposes, instead of getting caught up in old school political rheteric from tag team, Republican-like Hilary and Republican John. Racial code words and statements from the former Barry Goldwater supporter Hilary, are not quite welcome nor encouraged by the Democratic Party today. The party of Kennedy wants Hilary to stop her campaign because they know that she will promote negativity about Obama that will alienate voters from the likely Democratic nominee, Senator Obama. The Democratic party is now begging Hilary, that if she chooses to remain in the Democratic race, that she changes her campaign's tone to respectful and positive. Obama has respecfully abided with the Party since Indiana and North Carolina primaries, by praising the Hilary campaign and stating that Hilary will win in Republican strongholds Kentucky and West Virginia. If Hillary chooses consistently not to abide, then the super-delegates will end it for her by quickly casting their support for Obama. Strike one was her "white working class" comments. We will see if Hillary is even allowed strike two this coming week, as Obama now -- as of Saturday -- has more super-delegates than Hillary. Unfortunately Hilary is not off to a good start.


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