Hillary's Assassination Statements and Fox News Liz Trotta wishes Obama dead
WOW!!! What a commentary. Take 10:00 minutes to listen to MSNBC's Keith Olbermann's commentary on Hilary's "RFK assassination" statement. Loaded with information...link below:
Hillary's controversial "RFK assassination" statement:
Fox News Political contributer Elizabeth Trotta wishes Senator Obama DEAD. Trotta states: "And now we have what some are reading as a suggestion that somebody knock off Osama, uh Obama. Well, both, if we could." See it for yourself in the link directly below:
In Hillary's "RFK assassination" statement she made reference to her husband -- Bill -- wrapped up the nomination in June of 1992. The "June of 1992" reference is another in a series of "Hillary's un-trues", as Bill Clinton wrapped up the nomination in April of 1992. Tim Russert from Meet the Press proved on May 25th's "Meet the Press" TV Program: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24815500/page/2/
Doris raised the second piece of Senator Clinton's comment about Bill Clinton still, in effect, contending for the nomination well into June. And on April 8th, 1992, right after the New York primary, many political observers said the race was over. Here's one on the "Today" show 16 years ago.
(Videotape from "Today")
(Videotape from "Today")
I think Bill Clinton's the nominee of the Democratic Party.
Plain and simple. Period.
Absent major scandal. He survives the minor ones pretty well. He only needs every other delegate from here on out. Jerry Brown could win every delegate between now and the end of the primary season and he still would still mathematically not have enough delegates. Clinton has a lock on this.
But have...
(End videotape)
(End videotape)
Now, back then the Clinton campaign thought I was a mathematical genius. I knew how to add.
Jon Meacham, the fact is that Bill Clinton, at that point, had three times as many delegates as anyone else.
Jon Meacham, the fact is that Bill Clinton, at that point, had three times as many delegates as anyone else.
He had locked down the nomination in April of 1992.
Hillary's "RFK Assassination" statement was no slip of the tongue from exhaustion as many of Hillary's supporters claim. Hillary made the exact same statement during the 2008 Democratic Presidential campaign early on. Hillary first made the RFK assassination statement while trailing Obama in the pledged delegate count in March 2008 during an interview conducted by Robert Stengel of Time Magazine in the below link:
Rev. Al Sharpton responds to Hillary's RFK comments in below link.
"SUPER-DELEGATES" should end this RIGHT NOW!
No more excuses left. Hilary is a danger to party unity if she is allowed to remain, in part due to her crafted seperatist strategy, seperating her vibrant women supporters from the Democratic Party in Hillary's coup attempts to be a part of Senator Obama's ticket. Due to her latest verbal blunders about the "Assassination of RFK in June of 1968", what "spin defense" can come from Hillary's African-American supporters now, especially the Super-Delegates. More importantly, what would happen if Hilary made another, in a growing list of verbal blunders, during the Fall Presidential campaign against the Republican candidate John McCain? In the link below from a previous blog, is a list of some of Hillary's African-American supporters -- most are Super-Delegates: http://kirktanter.blogspot.com/2008_02_02_archive.html
Here is the complete list of ALL un-committed Super-Delegates in the link below: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/arianna-huffington/stop-yelling-at-hillary-t_b_103135.html
Question: Does the Hillary reference to Robert Kennedy's assassination mean that Senator Barack Obama may have this mis-fortune this JUNE? Shakey things have happened before with the Clintons.
Here is the complete list of ALL un-committed Super-Delegates in the link below: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/arianna-huffington/stop-yelling-at-hillary-t_b_103135.html
Question: Does the Hillary reference to Robert Kennedy's assassination mean that Senator Barack Obama may have this mis-fortune this JUNE? Shakey things have happened before with the Clintons.
Why hasn't Hillary apologized to Senator Barack Obama, his family, and Obama's campaign?
What does Michele Obama think of Hillary's assassination comment? Will Michele Obama and kids be comfortable with Hillary as Vice-President?
TV Talk show hosts, News anchors, Reporters, and Political Analyst should stop being so damn fearful of what the Clintons may do to them. You need to Get Up, Stand Up....Stand up for your Bill of Rights! All, except Keith Olbermann, are soft pedalling Hillary's "Assassination" comment as if the statement is excusable. The media also soft-pedalled Bill Clinton's fellow Arkansas Governor, from the same town as Bubba, Mike Hukkaby, just one short week ago stating: "That was Barack Obama, he just tripped off a chair, he's getting ready to speak," said the former Arkansas governor, to audience laughter. "Somebody aimed a gun at him and he dove for the floor."
What does Michele Obama think of Hillary's assassination comment? Will Michele Obama and kids be comfortable with Hillary as Vice-President?

Take it like a Man
What we have seen from Senator Barack Obama is a well-managed (especially the creative grassroots financial strategy now approaching 300-million), and exceptionally run campaign, lead by Campaign Strategist David Axelrod and hand picked staff. Senator Obama's impressive list of endorsors from Senator John Kerry and Sen. Kennedy, to Rev. Jesse Jackson, former N.C. Senator and Democratic Presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards, and Governor Bill Richardson...not to mention TV Talk show host Oprah Winfrey.
On the other hand, Hillary's campaign has been grossly mis-managed complete with the wasteful spending of Hillary's contributors that invested 250-million dollars into her campaign, that is now 20-million dollars in debt. Hilary and Bill's consistent verbal blunders losing the trust of millions of voters -- especially African-Americans; and severely underestimating the competition. Hillary stated in December of 2007 that this campaign should be over on February 5th 2008: "I have a campaign that is poised and ready for the long term. We are competing everywhere through February 5th. ...So I'm in it for the long run. It's not a very long run. It'll be over by February 5th."
What Hilary did not expect is losing to an African-American named Barack Obama. Senator Obama clearly out-smarted and out-manevered Hillary from Iowa through May 19th when -- also in Iowa -- Obama announced that he received the lion's share of 'the voter's' pledged delegates. Senator Obama beat Clinton fair and square. Now Hillary, in a "campaign" attempt to raise the negative consciousness of her women supporters that collectively feel robbed and victimized, by the African-American Senator with an Islamic name, Hilary strikes again! In a May 18th interview with the Washington Post, Hillary claimed that she was a victim of sexism by the press that allowed misogynist statements go un-challenged.
What? Are you kidding me?
All I have heard from the TV talk shows and News programs is a strong dose of race baiting, and the "how to deal with Race" discussions...over and over again. Senator Obama was even forced to make a speech about race that was broadcast nationally. It is my opinion, that the press has been scared to touch sexism and further scared of the Clintons. The Clintons and some of their organized supporters, have had several journalist to apologize for comments about them; some journalists have been suspended for comments made about Hillary; and a few journalist were fired for crossing the Clintons. The Washington Post article by Lois Romano on May 20th, revealed Hilary's complaint that the press allows sexism to run rampant. The Washington Post article in the below link is accompanied by Hilary's verbal misogynist comments: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/19/AR2008051902729.html
"Meet The Press" transcript in a roundtable discussion about Hillary's sexism and misogynist Washington Post comments during the May 25th MTP broadcast: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24815500/page/3/
Tim Russert:
This is what she (Hillary Clinton) said to The Washington Post, Lois Romano, and here's an audio recording.
(Audiotape, May 18, 2008)
(Audiotape, May 18, 2008)
The manifestation of some of the sexism that has gone on in this campaign is somehow more respectable, or at least more accepted. And I think there should be equal rejection of the sexism and the racism when...and if it ever raises its ugly head. But it does seem as though the press, at least, is, is not as bothered by the incredible vitriol that has been engendered by the comments and the actions of people who are nothing but misogynists.
(End audiotape)
(End audiotape)
"Nothing but misogynists." Bill Clinton weighed in on Tuesday.
I don't think there's any question there have been moments in this campaign when the sort of gender bias and presuppositions have come out.
(End videotape)
(End videotape)
Maureen Dowd, "misogynist," "gender bias," it seems as though the Clintons are being--trying very hard to lay that out as a premise for Hillary Clinton's difficulties in this primary contest.
I think it's poppycock, really. I mean, Hillary Clinton has allowed women to visualize a woman as president for the first time, in the way Colin Powell allowed people to visualize an African-American. And she dominated the debates, she, she proved that a woman can have as much tenacity and gall as any man on earth. We, we can visualize her facing down Ahmadinejad. But the thing is, Hillary hurts feminism when she uses it as opportunism. And she has a history of covering up her own mistakes behind sexism. She did it with health care right after health care didn't pass.
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