Tim Russert Memorial
In watching Tim Russert's Memorial today, I was struck at how many lives that Tim touched. And most of the stories were about their journeys outside of the News room and Political circles. The shared moments that came from a wide array of colleagues and working associates were of them and Tim at a ball game, or on the road in Montana, or at a concert, a resteraunt, a pizza place etc... Why would that strike me? In most cases working associates -- or competitors -- leave their work and their associates and go home. It showed the depth of the person in Tim Russert when people at work -- or across the isle fierce competitors -- were viewed by Tim as friends.
A Washington Post article about Tim Russert, the day after Tim Russert's death, illustrated that Tim would leave work to spend a moment with his son. The day of Tim's passing, the Post article elaberated, Russert left work to meet his trusted cable guy to set up his son's place. The Comcast cable guy's name was Michael Hart from Waldorf, whom was one of the last people to see Tim alive. Hart said that during the elevator ride down, after the work was finished, Tim grabbed Hart's hand that June 13th day, and said "Thank you for looking out for my family, happy Father's Day." What was also in this Post article was that Michael Hart had six children, and Russert often made sure that ALL six children had tickets to see the Washington Wizards Professional basketball team.
Russert was the best broadcast journalist of his time, and should be respected as such. While I am a veteran of the business, I still take intense notes from exemplery models as Tim Russert was. Throughout my life there have been a few broadcast journalist that I have looked up to. Off the top of my head comes Max Robinson, Ed Bradley, Walter Cronkite, Bryant Gumbel, Peter Jennings...all considered the best in their day. A few promising contemporaries come to mind, such as: Lester Holt and Ron Allen. In all you see the commitment to perfection.
Russert passed away as the best investigative and interviewing broadcast journalist. Tim Russert also managed to take the time to salute his father, son, wife, and the many friends like the Cable man Michael Hart. Tim Russert will be missed as an honest reporter, and a human being that took the time for each of us.
Big ups to the late Tim Russert.
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