
Democrat Jerry Brown wins California's expensive Governers' race

In a dramatic return to the statehouse in California, Democrat Jerry Brown is projected to win the gubernatorial race over Republican Meg Whitman.

Whitman, former CEO of eBay, has spent a record $150 million in a fierce battle for the seat currently held by actor-turned-politician Arnold Schwarzenegger — in a race that appeared to be a toss-up on polling day. Brown, currently California’s attorney general, was California governor from 1975 to 1983.

Brown, who was the youngest governor of California his first time around, and will now become the oldest, declared himself experienced and full of energy for the job and told his supporters that what California needs over the next four years is "creativity and imagination."

Noting the deep divisions in his state and in the nation, Brown said: "I take as my challenge forging a common purpose... based on a vision of what California can be," including a leader in renewable energy and public education.

Whitman echoed his message of unity.

"It is time now for Californians to unite behind the common cause of turning around this state that we love," she said in a concession speech. "We need leaders in Sacramento to rise to the occasion and work together… And tomorrow we are all Californians."


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