Broadcaster Rush Limbaugh's Radio Show $$$ continues...

The majority of Wall Street reporters consistently state that radio is no longer profitable, or does not profit enough for investors. These same Wall Street analyst (known to be wrong) say that there is no 'up' side to radio. I have even seen statistical reports concluding that amongst the jobs where salaries are going down, the radio broadcasters and newscasters are high on the report. Well aspiring Radio Broadcasters, Newscasters, Reporters, and Program Directors, don't believe the hype. Average broadcasters salaries have gone down over the years due to automated stations and others stations saturated with several syndicated shows. "Less Broadcasters" means that the average salaries overall "nationally" go down. Radio is still viable. The limited commercial inventory per hour, in most cases, does not fit the "beat the last quarter" Wall Street mentality, while selling more and more wiggets do. Radio is still a viable free entertainment service for the listeners available on both cars and alarm clocks. You buy a car and the radio comes with it for people young and old. Cars do not come with a free ipod nor the computer needed to download music, for a fee. Recording Artists and the RIAA are more and more legally demanding your dollars for downloads, as they successfully did for downloads.
Rush Limbaugh inked a 400-million dollar radio deal! Howard Stern inked a 500-million dollar deal! Tom Joyner makes 8-figures annually. Broadcasters, if you have a business mind with good ratings and high cume, then you can do the same...point blank. Statistics are mis-leading, especially statistics without explanations of industry trends.
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