The Clintons versus Barack Obama
"I'm writing to apologize to you and your family personally for the un-called-for comments I made at a recent Clinton event," Bob Johnson said in a statement. "In my zeal to support Senator Clinton, I made some very inappropriate remarks, for which I am truly sorry. I hope that you will accept this apology. Good luck on the campaign trail." Obama spokesman Bill Burton responded Thursday, saying, "Obama accepts the apology. We're going to leave it at that."
I guess that is a good place to begin this blog: "The Clintons versus Barack Obama. I do not intend to single out Bob Johnson's comment as he addressed an audience in South Carolina. However, it was obvious that he was referring to Senator Barack Obama's admitted marijuana-use thirty years ago. Both Bob Johnson and Hilary Clinton made failed attempts to backpeddle, but the bicycle's chain was broken. Yes Bob's statement was uncalled for, as the founder of Black Entertainment Television admitted in his written apology above.
The greater issue to me are the childish and negative words uttered out of the "elder generation" of African-American leaders mouths supporting the Clintons and out of the Clinton's two faces too. My illustration does not argue the contextual definition in which these words were uttered, only the single "words" or "phrase". The slippage of "words" were revealed first in the Clinton's camp a few weeks before the Iowa Caucus. A previous high level Clinton Campaign Adviser on more than one occasion brought up Obama's teenage drug-use, and Hilary fired him. "Words" that come from known "supposedly" professional folks's mouths refering, in some form or fashion, to Barack Obama personally, his campaign, issues, or critiques from Obama.
The former President of the United States Bill Clinton used the phrase "fairy-tale"; Billionaire Bob Johnson pointed to Obama's teenage drug use and in the same speech use the word "stupid"; New York Representative and Chairman of the Ways and Means committee Charlie Rangel used the word "Dumb": Hilary Clinton twisted Obama's referrence to Reagon's political climate change as Obama "supports" Ronald Reagon, and Hilary trivialized Dr. Martin Luther King's contributions in the signing of the Civil Rights Bill stating that it took a President from Texas to "realized the dream" by signing the Civil Rights Bill on of the most turbulent decade in the history of the United States. Hilary predictably backpeddled with one bike link missing later. Hilary is also guilty of marginalizing Obama larger crowds by, again, sly-ly stating that her campaign is not about a "show - it's about work". Even National Basketball Association Hall of Famer and successful entrepreneur Ervin "Magic" Johnson called Obama a "Rookie" and 'Too Inexperienced". Obama's response to Magic Johnson's "words"was cleverly factual. Barack stated that Magic Johnson was an NBA champion and MVP of the NBA Finals as a "rookie". It is unfortunate that neither Magic Johnson, nor the many others who bring up the "inexperience" issue, do not bother to read the facts. The fact is that Barack Obama has been in political and legislative experience much longer than Hilary Clinton, an Ivy League Graduate (Harvard), an attorney, which is the biography of most Presidents. Hilary began her political career in 2001.
Bill Clinton comes into play with Hilary as the former President that saved Black America. Furthers from the "truth". Bill won against twelve years of Reagon-Bush with a half Republican platform and a country tired of the Reagan-Bush years with a high deficit and millions of the labor force losing jobs with the failed trickel down and the beginning of massive re-structuring lay-offs.. Any Democratic Nominee would have won in 1992. But yet and still Bill Clinton's platform was half Republican with tons of money from Big-Business Corporate interest groups funding the operation. The Corporate businesses were paid off with their interest met when Bill Clinton became President. NAFTA losts millions of jobs for Americans while providing cheap labor abroad for Corporations. Bill's Maximum-Minimum jail initiative put predominately African-Americans and Hispanics in jail for non-violent crimes for at least five years at a time while opening the way for Wall Street Corporations to profit from building jails. The Telecommunications Bill of 1996 opened the door for Corporations to own 8 radio stations per city, making it virtually impossible for a non-publically traded business to compete. Minority owned radio stations sold by the hundreds, which lost jobs for thousands of minority broadcasters. Bill also listened to his interest groups and did not invade Rwanda while 800,000 Rwandans were slaughtered in 80 days. That's 10,000 killings of Africans per day. But hey people Bill makes you feel good with charm and an occasional Sax solo. Now Bill is upset because Obama is competing for his presidency and pointing out falacies about the Clintons back room dealings with interests groups, money that must be paid back with always. Now Bill Clinton makes strong attempts to turn Obama into a "Black Only" candidate, making desperate attempts of turning White voters against Obama -- White voters are the vast majority voting block in this country. Bill's clever branding skills that fooled voters in the 80's and 90's will not work on Obama in 2008. Senator Barack Obama attracts the highly educated decision making White voters, not fooled by false prophets and their-like campaign celebrities. I would not be at all surprised if Bill Clinton sent the countless messages to Oprah from women mostly stating "how dare Oprah choose her 'race over gender'" illustrated on cable news channels.
Paragraph below edited two days after Senator Obama's rout of Hilary in South Carolina on 01/28/08
Hey Bill! Deeeeeeeeeep down inside are you upset because the well-finance 'fairy-tale' campaign is headed by a Black Man with a Muslim name? What's next Bill? Are you going to throw Barack Hussein Obama in jail "too"? Cute Jesse Jackson remark after the "broad appeal" blowout in South Carolina, quote: "Jesse Jackson won South Carolina too in 1984 and 1988 too". Reader: Examine and research for yourself the former President Bill Clinton's relationship with Arkansas Segregationist Senator J. William Fulbright. Bill understands well the marginalizing and "seperate but equal" political tactics all too well. Pictured: Former Arkansas Segregatioist Senator J. William Fulbright received the Presidential Metal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton in 1995. Fulbright was a Senator from 1945 to 1974. Bill Clinton worked for Senator Fulbright in Washington DC.
One of the points as to why I refer to this blog as "The Clintons" versus Barack Obama is because Bill Clinton's vast Political resume' is uniquely tossed on top of Hilary's empty legislative resume'. Eight years as "First lady" is all of a sudden considered an elected position. Some also question that if Reverend Jesse Jackson -- whom won 13 States/Caucuses in 1988 -- would have been a supporter of Senator Barack Obama if Jackson was not from Chicago, Illinois. Knowing and Supporting Jesse Jackson in 84 and 88, I am stunned that Jackson Sr. is not campaigned hard for Obama. Many articles and media journalist bring up instances where Jackson's questions Barack Obama commitment to African-American issues. I would hope that Jackson Sr. and everyone else can hold there discontent until after Obama is President. Jackson Sr.'s son, Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. exuberently supports Barack Obama's campaign. In my interview with Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr., there was a clear understanding of Obama bringing all the races and genders together in a true grass roots campaign. Seems as if many of the important elder African-American generation in politics (ahead of Obama's generation) are staunchly supporting Hilary Clinton. Texas Representative Sheila Jackson Lee: former Al Gore Campaign Manager and Professor at Georgetown University Donna Brazille; Georgia Representative John Lewis; and former UN Ambassador Andrew Young are not only supporting Hilary Clinton but taking negative jabs at Obama. The Clintons game plan must have communicated on a conference call the day before the New Hampshire. Funny that half of the Congressional Black Caucus support Hilary, while more than half of the White Democratic Senators support Obama -- including Senators John Kerry and Ted Kennedy (aforementioned sentence added 01-28-08, on the day Senator Edward Kennedy, Caroline - late President John Kennedy's daughter, and Congressman Patrick Kennedy - Ted's Son, all endorsed Senator Barack Obama at another enthusiastic Obama rally at American University in Washington DC).
I will stop here on the generational and verbage topic to begin with possible reasons as to why our elder African-American public figures support Hilary Clinton, instead of their fellow African-American candidate. One of the variables could be that many of the elder African-American political leaders do not like that the Ivy Leaguer Senator Barack Obama sincerely cares about all people's issues. I would think that they were smart enough to realize, as Mayor Tom Bradley knew of a 1972 mayoral race in Los Angeles, that there is more than a Black neighborhood to satisfy. However, even the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's support dwindled too, when King began speaking out against the Vietnam War. Complaints that King addressing the "Stop the War" movement was time spent away from the many important and unresolved domestic Black issues. Few understood that Blacks were disportionately drafted and killed on the front line in Vietnam. Principal from King's organization threatened to go on their own and disassociated with Dr. King, leading a unified movement into "insignificant" individual parts. Today, more African-American elected Local, State, and National Politicians (thousands) hold a array of positons, but with portionately less victories for the voter that put them in office than during the King era. The facts are alarming and an epidemic: Educaton (50 percent high school drop out); Prison (more African Americans 18-24 Black males in jail than in College); and the elimination of Affirmative-Action in Colleges and Businesses have resulted is less African-American admitted into Universities. States that have passed anti-Affirmative Action like California for instance, have decreased African-Ameican enrollment at the University of California at Berkeley sixty-one percent just two years after the passage Proposition 209. Serious infrastructer FAILURES, with decades to come to correct these blunders. As a National Football League owner fires coaches because they are not getting across to the players, I think these un-influential politicians need to be re-evaluated.
African-American Political, Business, and Celebrity leaders that have chosen to support the percieved branded leaders of the so-called Power Structure -- despite the Clintons being a big part of the infrastruture failures to African-Americans and the Labor force -- neglect leaders of their own race rudely and disrespectfully to the general public. Venomous personal comments against Barack Obama persuading voters to support their branded candidate Hilary Clinton, is totally and professionally uncalled for. Backhanding Obama with negative statements gives credence to "self-hate theories" levied on prominant African-American and can forever lose the celebrated support they have received from their African-American supporters. These haters ultimately are no different than Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas. Quite frankly, voters may say in the fall: "Thank you for your past contributions". These leaders have found it necessary to attack a well-repected Presidential Candidate, whom after February 5th where 22 States have primaries and caucuses may be well on his way to making Presidential History. Again, "We Thank You."
Some of the non-supportive variables by Congressional andCelebrity African-Americans for Senator Barack Obama could be:
1. Because of the 'Elder' African-American Politicians publically stated views and opinions on many issues disagreeable to the general American population, they are un-electable for the Presidency themselves. They may be jealous and negatively envious of US Senator Barack Obama's Presidential electable mass-appeal.
2. Possible Crab Barrel theory syndrone
3. The African-American Women leaders are only concerned with what is best for Women.
4. Supporting the Clintons earmarks dollars for themselves or interest groups.
5. They feel that Hilary addresses their issues better than Senator Barack Obama.
6. These elder Political icons may simply trust Hilary Clinton moreso than Barack Obama to get things done on behalf of African-Americans, despite the Clintons -- Hilary inclusive -- failed history of fundamentally improving the quality of life for African-Americans.
Pictured: Former Republican Presidential Nominee in 1964, and US Senator from Arizona Barry Goldwater. Senator Hilary Clinton was a Republican "Goldwater Girl" in 1964, supporting Barry Goldwater for President.
Following the negative semantics and attacks on Obama, the 'increasingly popular' Black talk formatted radio shows are discussing with their listeners that if African-Americans do not vote for Barack Obama, "Are these African-Americans viewed as 'Toms', 'Oreos', 'Anti-Black', 'Negro', 'Uppity', or whatever term best describes an African-American vigorously opposing a Black man. Many callers feel that for the very first time in our long history of continued struggle in the United States -- and the original English colonies -- now, a uniquely qualified African-American should be given a valid shot from the African American voter. During the first three caucuses/primaries (Iowa, New Hampshire and Iowa), U.S. Senator Barack Obama is ahead in the most important delegate count. (Will add here on 01-28-08 the S.C. primary victory) Obama outright won the popular and delegate count in Iowa (93 percent White registered voters); while losing a close battle in the popular vote in Nevada, Senator Obama won the delegate count in Nevada (the Clintons unsurprisingly are contesting Obama's delegate victory count in Nevada); and Obama lost by just one delegate in Hilary's home New England region in the State of New Hampshire. If you are unaware of these three States racial population, the vast majority of the State's population are non-Blacks. Because of Obama winning the delegate vote to date, African-Americans nationally are now seeing that Barack Obama has the ability to attract a large amount of the majority White voting block. In summation, Obama will win, and win BIG with the Clintons and their African-American supporters now perceived by all voters as disrespectful. The Clintons have imploded. The media will not communicate that because the Clintons have plenty of money for advertising. But all the voters that I speak with say the same thing:"The nerve of them people".
Pollsters polling African-Americans over the decades have found that a large portion of African-American voters support the presidential candidate with a viable chance of winning. Since the early to mid-60's, when the majority of Blacks moved from the party of Lincoln to the Democratic party that candidate would be the Democrat that 'fairly spoke' to Black issues. Amongst the final two Democratic candidates competing for the Democratic nomination, the one that best spoke to these issues would get their vote. Now in 2008, the Democratic nomination of is down to two people: Hilary or Obama. Those millions of African-Americans that vote in such a "victory-leaning" manner, will vote as they always have and more are exilerated that one of these finalists is Black. The excitement can easily be compared to the first Black baseball player Jackie Robinson, the first African-American boxing champion Jack Johnson, and longtime Heavyweight champion Joe Louis. Their vote, along with staunch African-American Obama supporters, and the roughly 30 to 60 percent of White voters, have quickly transformed Senator Barack Obama presidential candidancy into a campaign that can easily win.
The Clintons did not expect this competition, as Hilary often referred in debates to the Republican candidates. The Clintons have resorted to segregation tactics using an all to familiar "good cop-bad cop" routine (Bill bad and Hilary good), which may or may not hurt Hilary's candidacy on Super Tuesday. Seems to be way to too much backpeddling and explaining their statements to all forms of media, as their tactics are even viewed suspiciously by the Democratic National Committee. Bill Clinton uttering the phrase "fairy tale" -- disappointed even a former Bill Clinton campaigner in Professor Donna Brazille. Brazille called Bill's chose of words toward Obama "offensive". That was not the only angry outburst by Hilary's husband, Bill Clinton. The former President in the pivotal Nevada caucus, referred to the legal caucusing at Casino Hotels, where the Culinary Workers union back Senator Obama, would benefit Obama with a "five to one" voting advantage over his wife. A "Hilary Clinton supported teachers group" filed a lawsuit not to allow these Casino Hotels to caucus. The judge ruled against the teachers group. Following the judgment on the very day before the Casino caucuses, Bill Clinton stated at a campaign rally for Hilary Clinton that culinary union managers are threatening union workers that support Hilary that they would be taken off their work schedule on the Caucus date if they did not support Senator Barack Obama. Tim Russert, a Political Journalist and host of NBC's "Meet The Press", revealed that the Clinton camp including Bill, could not verify exactly who illegally threatened those Union Workers. A large portion of Culinary Union workers are Hispanic, and their vote favored Hilary Clinton. Who knows if Bill Clinton's accusation, stated the day before the Caucus had anything to do with the results or if it was the Mayor of Los Angeles campaigning in Nevada for Hilary Clinton that was the deciding factor for the 3 to 1 Hispanic vote favoring Clinton over Obama. Obama won the educated upwardly mobile vote in Nevada and gained most of the delegates.
African-American Women: Are you voting for the White Woman Presidential Candidate Hilary Clinton; or the African-American Male Presidential Candidate Senator Barack Obama; or voting on who best represents your platform?
Loaded question to most regions of the country, with the exception of Senator Barack Obama's home state of Illinois. Being from Chicago, I am forced to believe that even if Chicago was in another state, most African-Amercan women would vote for Obama considering the many Chicago political and social battles too often based on race. No time to expand on this issue, but Chicagoans and political historians are quite familiar. According to Political Analyst and Georgetown Professor Donna Brazille: "Many African-American women openly admit that they would rather see a Woman President first before an African-American Male." It is unfortunate though that many African-American women are not aware that they are not included at the "table of sisterhood" in most major Women's business, political, and social Women's organizations. I leave this accurate explanation to a well-respected African-American Woman Professor from Princeton University Melissa Harris-Lacewell. Hear for yourself in Melissa's own words. The weblink at the very bottom of this blog will educate you. The forum is a one-on-one verbal debate between Professor Harris-Lacewell and legendary feminist Gloria Steinem. The debate is taken from the long-running political program titled: "Democracy Now". Lacewell responds to the op-ed piece where Steinem contrasts Obama's campaign to a "hypothetical" multi-racial woman not having a chance to become President. The NY Times Op-Ed commentary is titled: "Women are Never Front Runners"
Professor Harris-Lacewell is an Obama supporter. She took offense to the comments Steinem made in the op-ed piece about Obama. I encourage all of you to listen and view this debate in the below web-link. Radically different points of view on the "State of today's Women's Movement". A perfect ending to this Blog. Thank you for your time, and always, your comments are always welcome.